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Ch, Cbrïf turnetb St. j'ohn: Water into Wine. Ch. 2: ;o. Doth this much convince thee? I will do greater things than this to convince the World. S I. And he faith untohitn, Veri- ly, verily I fay untoyou, Hereaf- ter you fhall fee heaven open,and the angels of God afcending and de- fcending upon the Sonof man. 51. You fhall fee Heaven open, and the An- gels owningme and miniftring unto me, efpe- cially at my Afcenfion. CHAP. II. I. ANd the third day there was a CA Marriage inCanaofGalilee ; and the mother of Jefus was there. Z. Andboth Jefus was called, and his difciples, to the marriage. i,.Chriß refdi.d not that familiarconverfe, which Marriagefeafts are ufed to 3. And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jefus faith unto him, 'They have no wine. 4. Jefus faith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come. 3, 4. Thefe Words are not a breach of the fifth Commandment ; but as much as to fay II am not tt do Miracles) by the direction of a Mother's Authority, or by man, but in the timeand manner as bytheDivine Wifdom,Ihall be determined. And by thisand other paffa- ges, Chrift teems to forefee how Papilla would overvalue hisMother. 5. His mother faith unto the fer- vants,Whatfoever hefaith untoyou, do it. s. N. She believed his, Power, though he tepref'd bar Prefumption. 6. And there were fet there fix water-pots offtone, after the man- ner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins a- piece. 7. Jefus faith unto them, Fill thewater-pots withwater.And they filled them up to thebrim. 8. And he faith unto them, Drawout now, -andbear unto the governour of the feaft. And theybare it. 6,tirc.Note,lt is conjectured to be about tooo eight hundred pounds or pings of tine that Chrift made; which chewed that the Guefs were very many, or that he was at fuch Fcfti- vals for freer drinking of Wine, than is lit a- mong us ; perhaps all their Wine was final!, and not all of it thendrunk : but thisand the like occafioned the Pharifees cenfure ofhim. q. When the ruler of the feaft had tailed the water that was made wine, andknew not whence it was, (but the fervants which drew the water knew) the governour of the feaft called the bridegroom. r o.And faith unto him, Every man at the be- ginning Both fet forth goodwine ; and when men have well drunk, then that whichis worfe : but thou haft kept the good wine until now. 9. Marriages among the yaws were celebrated with great Rafting, where moderate jocundity was thought feafonable. The reafon Chrift ctb for his Difciples not failing, was becaufe the Bridegroomwas yet with them. When they had drunk to temperate hilarity, fma Wine was molt (bitable : (The vulgar Latin is [when they are drunk] and perhaps with Drunk+ ardsthat might be the cuftom, to bring (Mailer Wines when they could not well difiinguith them.) This beginning of miracles did Jefus in Cana of Galilee, and manifefled forthhis glory ; and his difciples believed on him. at. By this he fhewedthem his Divine Pow- er, and convinced his Difciplesthat he was the Mefah. I z. After this, hewent down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his difciples, and they continued there not many days. 13. And the Jewspaffover was at hand, and Jefus went up to Jerufalem, 14. And found in the temple thofe-that fold oxen, and fheep, and doves, and the changers ofmoney, fitting : 15. And when he had made a fcourge of final cords, he drove them all out ofthe temple, and the Iheep, and the ox- en; and pourkd out the changers money, and overthrew the tables; a6. And : faid unto them that .fold doves,