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Ch. ï; Matey believe. doves, Take thefe things hence ; makenot myFather'shoufe an houfe ofmerchandife. 12, &e. It teems probable, that Chrift did thus cleanfe the Temple twice : And that this is not the fame Hiftory with that, Matt. 2t. though indeed it's very like ir. I.7. And his difciples remembred that it was written, The zeal of St. John: Of'regenes'atIon. Ch. 3; himfelfunto them,becaufe he knew all men, z5. And needed not that any fhould teftifie of than : for hé knewwhat was in mail: 24, 25. But thrift that knew the hearts of Meh, and how many have but an unrooted¢ mutable, uneffe&ual belief, would notimft himfelfinto their hands by familiarity. thine houfehath eaten me up. CHAP. IÍI. 17. They believed, that his zeal for God's houfe, warrant this ac4ion hi the akk s- !T r.THere was a man of the Pha- h tr. 9 1 ` ° a '' ' rifees, named Nicodemus, s8."Then anfcberéd theJews,and a r l of The raid tinto him, What fign fheweft u er theJews: 2. a awe Oeft to him, Rabbi, we know that thou thefe things ? art a teacher come froth God for 18. There arbitrary aetions require Come ex- traordinary Commiffron to warrant them ; By no man can do thefe miracles that what fign dolt thou prove that thou halt fuck thou doeft,exceptGod be with him. authority? I. 2. Being a Ruler, he durst not be leeñ 59. Jefus anfwered and faid unto to'come to Chrift by day light, but came by them, Deftroy this temple, and in night, and laid, Rabbi, 1 am come to learn of three days I will raife it up.zo.Then .Fee ;for I know thou art a Teacherlent by God s or noMan cando Judo Miraclesas thou doff brat faid the Jews, Forty and fix years by Goás Power; andGodwiU not lendEach Pow. Was this temple in building, and er toany whom hedab not approve andjutfe . Wilt thou rearit up in three days ? 3. Jefus anfwered and faid unto zi. But he fpake of the temple of him, Verily verily I fay unto theè, his body.' Bxcept a man be born again lié 19. N. He told them enigmatically what should be after plainly expounded. Many Pte.-. phecies written darkly, Are not intended to be prefently underftood, but *hen they are fut. tilled. thou untous, feeingthatthou d came to Jefus by night,and faid un- zz. When thereforehe was rifen from the dead, his difciplesremem- bred that he had faid this unto them : and they believed the fcrip- ture, and the wordwhich Jefus had faid. 22. When this was performed by his Refur- reaion, his Difciplesbelievedthe Prophefies of him, and his ownwords. 23. Nowwhen hewas inJerufa- lem at the paffover, in the feaft-day, many believed in his name, when they faw the miracles which he did. 23. His miracles made many believe that he was the ChriR, that yet were no thorow Di- fciples. q. But Jefu$ did not commit cannot fee the kingdom ofGod, t. As I could not do the works ofGod, by miracles anddoarine,unlefsGodwere with me, fo neither can anyman become a found Belie- ver, and do the works ofFaith, and be raved, as à true Member ofthe KingdomofGod, un. left by God's fpirit hebe begotten again, and have a new qualitative nature given him. 4. Nicodemus faith unto . him How can a man be born when he is old ? can he enter the fecond time intohismother's womb,and beborn? 4.Nicodemus grolly mifunderftandingChtift, faith, Ate can, &ç. 5. Jefusanfwered; VerilyVerily I fayuntothee,Eitcept àman be born of water and of the Spirit, he-can- not enter intothe kingdom of God. g. I tell thee molt certainly, that unlefs a Man have as it were a new nature, and be made a new Man, by beingwattled from his former fin and guilt, and fan&ified by the re- newing work ofGod's Spirit, he cannot enter into sk_eKingclottl OfGod: E This4 all figni-