Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 3. Of regeneration: St. 17. For if the World be condemned, they (hall never have caufe tolay the blameon Chrift: For it was not to condemn them that God tent him into the World, but to be the faviour of the World ; which his Doetrine, Life and Suf- feringsThew. 18. He that believeth on him, is not condemned : but he that believ- eth not, is condemned already, be-, caufehehath not believed inthe name of the only begottenSon ofGod. rß. He that believeth on him, is thereupon by him delivered from the Condemnation that he was under, and Ihall be faved ; but he that believethnot, is not delivered from his Guilt andCondemnation, but is under the Guilt cf a feverer puni hment, the Law of Grace it Pelfcondemning him, becaufe he hathreje red the Son cf God, Pent from Heaven with his Doélrine, his Grace and offered Mercy; fo that both the Lawof Nature andof Grace condemn the Negle&ers offo great Salvation. 19. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darknefs rather than light, becaufe their deeds wereevil. 19. For the true caufe ofMens Condemnati- on is (not that theyhave noSaviour or Ranfom; being left as Devils to remedilefs defpair, but) that a Saviour as Light is comeinto the World, and Menlove darknefs rather than light, and fo reje& him and his truth and grace, becaufe they love anduve in thatfin which cannot en- dure the light., zo. For every one that doethevil, hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, left his deeds fhould be re- proved, an. For it is thepart of Light to dete& and fhame Mens evil deeds : and therefore Malefa- &ors hate and avoid the Light, left it reprove, them and condemn theme z I . But he that doeth truth,com- eth to the light, that his deeds may be made manifeft, that they are wrought in God; 21. Bnt Light is the honour ofwell doing, which is not afraid to he known 5, and therefore he that Both that which is trulygood, loveth the Light; and cometh to it, that his deeds Mayappear ro be as they are, the work corn- mandcd and approvedby God: And therefore they will receive me that am the Light of the World. zz. After tl.efe things, came Jefus "John. f obn's Teffimeny: Ch: andhis difciples into the land ofJu- dea, and therehe tarried with them, and baptized. 22: He by. his Dífciples baptized chofe that believed and repented. 2.3. And. Johnalfo was baptizing in Enon,near to Salim,becaufethere' was much water there : and they came, andwere baptized. 24. For John was not yet cart into prifon. 2 3,24.7ohnceafed not baptizing, even When Chrift baptized, nor till he was imprifoned. 25. Then there arofea queftiotr betweenforteofJohn's difciples and the Jews, about purifying. 25. N. What the difpute was is uncertain. 26. And they came unto John,and Paid unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyondJordan, to whotr thou bareft witnefs,behold,the fame baptizeth,and all men come to him. 26. On this occañon they told john how the' People fi-ocke to the Baptifin ofChrift. 27. John anfwered and laid, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. z8. Ye your felves bear me witnefs, that faid, I am not the Chrift, but that I amPent before him. 27. This Both but confirmwhat I file of him : His Power is from Heaven : I pretend tonone filch as his. 29. He that 1îath the bride, is the bridegroom : but the friend of the bridegroom, which ftandeth and heareth him, rejoyceth greatly be- caufe of the bridegroom's voice : this my joy therefore is fulfilled. 29. It is he that is the King and Saviour of the Church : I ambut his Friend that rejoyce in his Kingdom and Suecefs: 3o.. He mutt increafe, but Imuß decreafe. . 30. His Kingdom andGlory mull increafe to pert&ion, but my preparatory Miniftry will faonend 3 LHe that cometh from above,is above all c he that is of the earth,ia earthly, and fpeaketh of the earth t he that cometh from heaven,. isa- bove all, 31: He