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Ch. 3. yohna's Tefimony. St. John 31. He came from Heaven, and therefore is above us all: We that are but Men, inhabi- tants of Earth, (though fo far as God infpires as we (peak his word) yet being of earthly mold, (peak and do like our (elves, in a hu- manearthlymanner : But he that cometh from Heaven doth excel us all. 32. And what he bath feen and heard, that he teftifieth; and noman receiveth his teftimony. 33. He that bath receivedhis teffimony, hath fee to his Peal, that God is true. 32. We tell you what God teachethus inour Several meafures; but he telleth you that which he hath ken and heard in Heaven: And ye the molt reje& his Teftimony ; but they that truly receive is by Faith, do in believing him, believe God himfelf, that cannot lie. 34. For he whom God bath fens, fpeaketh the words of God: for Godgiveth not the Spirit by mea- fore unto him. 4. He that is thus fent from Heaven by dod, fpeaketh God's own words fully and in- fallibly, as fully known to him, and is not like us and other Prophets; that have but our limi- ted meafures of the Spirit for force particular revelation and ufe. 35 .The Father loveth theSon, and bath given all things into his hand. 35. The Love of the Father to the Son is tranfcendent ; and he bath delivered lapled Maa,andall this World intohis handor power, as Redeemer, Lord and Admínillrator ofall. 36. He that believethon the Son; batheverlaftinglife: and hethat bè. lieveth not the Son, fhall not fee life; butthewrathofGod abidethonhim. 36. He that believeth Chrift ro be the Son of God and Saviour of the World, and with Trait giveth up himfelf to be taught, ruled and ravedby him,hath a right to everlafting life by the Covenant ofGrace, and the beginningofir, by the Holy Ghoft in him '' and (hall Shortly have the full pofr:ilion. But he that byL7nbe- liefrejeEteth Chrift and his offered Grace, Shall . not fee this bleil'edLife, but the wrath ofGod for his unpardoned Sin and aggravated Guilt, abideth on him. CHAP. TV. a. 7Hen therefore theLord knew " howthe Pharifees had heard that Jefus made andbaptized more difciples then John, 2, (Though Je- . The Woman ofSamaria. Ch. 4: fus himfelf baptized nor, buthis dif- ciples) 3. He left Judea, and de- parted again into Galilee. I. They knowing that,which heknew would exafperate them, to avoid Perfecution, he re- moved to GaTilr_e, (till his time came.) ç. And he muff needsgo through Samaria. 5. Then cometh he to a city ofSamaria, which is called Sy- char ; near to the parcel of ground that Jacob gave to his Son Jofeph. 6. Now Jacob's well was there. Je- fus therefore being weariedwith his journey, fat thus on the well: and it was about the fixth hour. .1,;, 6. N. Chrift travelled all on Foot, and had a Body wearied with Travel; the forth hour was noon. 7. Therecometha woman ofSa- maria to drawwater : Jefus faith unto her, Give me todrink. 8. For his difciples were gone away unto the city to buymear. 9. Then faith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou being a Jew, askeft drinkofme, which am a wo- man ofSamaria ? for theJews have no dealingswith the Samaritanos. 7. &c. N. Chrift was not fo much for fepa- ration, as the other Jews. I o. Jefus anfwered and Paid unto her,Ifthou kneweft thegift of God, and who it is that faith to thee, Give me to drink thou wouldeft have asked of him, and he would have given thee living water. ro. N. It was ufual to call a running Spring ((wingWater) Chrift meantmore ; but Ilse uta derftood him nor. I r. The woman faith untohim, Sir, thou haft nothing todrawwith, and theWell is deep : from whence then haft thou that living water ? Iz. Art thou greater than our father Jacob, whichgave us the Well, and drank thereof himfelf, and hischil. dren, and his cattel ? a 1. N. They made their Honour of7acob the pretence for not going to ysrafalem ; he being before Sofowa s Temple. O a 13, lefts