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Ch. q.. The Womari St. Join: of Samaria. Ch. 4; L3. Jefus anfwered and laid unto ship to mind ? Believe me, that time is hard at hand, whenYerofalem shall bedeßroyed, and her, Whofoeverdrinkethofthiswa_ you fcattered, and a better wayofWorthip fet- ter fhall thirft again : 14. But who- tied, iò that you fiall no more keepup your foever drinketh of the water that I Ceremonious Worfhip, either at Shiloh or pee fhall give him, shall never thirft : 22. Ye worfhip ye know not but the water that I íllaIl give him, what: we know what we worfhip: (hall be in him a well of water for falvation is of the Jews. f rin in up into everlaftin life. p 13. g That which I call water, is the Spirit of 22 you worship ignorantly and corruptly,' Grae, which will give men everlafting fats, you f thenTenTribes s andey u ftr1ee abouthe fabion and joy, and leave 'them no flef,ly or Place and Ceremonies, when you have more unfatisfied delires. need to learn who he is that you msitc worship. 15. The woman faith unto him, It is of the Tribe of udah, that the Saviour Sir, give me this water, that I thirft cometh, who muß teach you how towarfiip not, neithercome hither to draw. God; and in this the Jews do rightly, to be. lieve and own none in Worship but the trig is. The ignorantmißaking God's Grace to God. be what it is not, may ask it fa for carnal 23 But the hour cometh, and e nds. 16. Jefus faithunto her, Go, call now is, when the true worfhippers thy husband, and come hither. hall worthily thettlher in rit and 17. The woman anfwered and faid, filch to worfhip the 4 have no husband. Jefus faid, unto p her, Thou haft well faid, I have no 23. The time is now at hand, yea come, when true Worshippers fhall not take up with husband : 18. For thouhaft had five shadows, nor worship God by Mofaical Cere- husbands, andhe whom thou now monies or Samaritan Traditions, but with that haft is not thy husband: in that Spiritual Worship which Types andCeremonies did fignifie, even from the Spirit ofGodwith. faidft thou truly. in them as their Principle, and according to 16. It was not delufory Equivocation that the fpiritual Law or Word, as their Rule, and Chriß calls Ewell-faying] but meant only tiftt not withbodily Exercife that prohteth nothing. Troth, not commonlyknown, it's like. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that 19. The woman faith unto him, worfhip him, muff worfhip him in Sir, I perceive that thou art a Pro- fpirit and in truth. phet. 2o. Our fathers worlhipped 24. Acceptable Worship muff be lifted to in this mountain ; and ye fay, that the God you worship, and therefore they that in Jerufalem is the place where men vip him uft Ship hcaupirheall , and ought toworfhip. y J y' p sit. N. Though [Spirit] fignifie a Nature more 1y, 2o. I peacéive by thy küowingfecretst excellent than tBodyl yet that and all human that thou art a Prophet : Tell me then, whe- Words are too low to fpeak theEffence ofGod, eher you Jews, or we that follow our eldeft any otherwife than Anaogically or Metaphori- Fathers, be in the right about the place of call ; for'God is above all our formal Concep- Worfhip. N This is the lifeof ignorant, carnal Lions or Expreflions; but created Spirits, be- people, to Bart fonte Controverfie about Cis- ing the higheft createdBeings known tous,and cumftantials (Sr Ceremonies in Religion, inftead our Souls of that nature, they are the cleareft ofgreat and needful things Glafs in which we can knowGod; and though 2r. Jefus faith unto her, Woman, the word tSpititl firfthignifie created Spirit, it dothtranfcendently, eminently, lignifie thetn- believe me, the hour cometh when finiteFather ofSpirits; and we canfay nothing ye (hall neither in this mountain, higher ofGod's Efface, than that he is this nor yet at Jerufalemworfhip the Fa- Infinite, PerfeEt, Tranfcendent Spirit; whatour they. beltConceptions ola Spirit are, I have opened 21. Alas poor woman, haft thou no greater inMethod. °The°iigis, &c. platter than Ceremony, cran the Pate ofWoe- 25. Tilkewoman faith unto him;