Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch: 4: ' The Woman ' St. I,know that Meffias cometh which is called Chrift : when he is come, hewill tell us all things. John ofSamaria. Ch. 4 there is one more made like him; to love him, and pray for him. And he that hateth Sin and Satan, will be glad that there is one lefs to ferve him.' 35. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and'then comethhar- veft? behold, I fay untoyou, Lift up your eyes, andlook on the fields; forthey arewhite already toharveft, 3s. You rejoyce that within four months it will be harvelt: And fhall not I rejoyce to fee' the harveft of my husbandry even at hand, in the converfion ofmany Souls to God? 36. And he that reapeth, recei- ved] wages, and 'gathereth fruit un- tò life eternal : that both he that foweth, and he that reapeth, may rejoyce together. 3s. And as I Cow the feed, fó yema that I fhall fend outas A,poftles Shal'f fee and reapmore plenteous fruit hereafter, and fhall for your la- baur under me', be well rewarded: that Ithat have (owedand you thatreap may rejoyce to- getherin the fuccefd. 37.Andherein is that layingtrue, One foweth, and . another reapeth. 38. I fent you to reap that whereon you beftowed no labour : other men laboured, and ye' are entred into theirlabours. 38. The Prophets and yahn, and I after all, have Cowed the feed, and been at the cuftlieft labour, and yet it is you that mutt fee the fuccefs in gathering the uoiverfalChruch, when T that labour'd and fuffcr'd am gone. 39 Andmanyof the Samaritans of that city believed on him, for the laying of the woman, which teftifi- ed, He told me all that ever I did. 39. N. That to believe in thrift by the means of mess credible teftimonyofhisWords andMiracles, is net (asmany falfly fay) to re- folve our Leith into the credit of man, and to make it a mere human Faith. They that believe Apoffles who faid they faw Chrift's Miracles, Refrreffion and Afcenfïon, believe by a divine Faith, on the fame evidence that the Apoftles were convinced by, but not conveyed by the fame means : what they received by their eyes and ears imediately, we receive mediately by their report, living at a diftance: So that their Teftiutony is not believed infread of Chrift's, nor inftead of the evidence of his truth, but as the conveyance of this evidence inftead of our mediate fight and hearing: fa is 0 3 11 25. N, Even the 'Samaritans expe&ed the Mc f ah : But with mifconceivings ofhim. 26. Jefus faith unto her, I that fpeak unto thee, am he. 26. N. Why didChrift tell that tq this wo- man, which he forbad others to tell abroad? .íinfw. He knew where and when it was fea- fonable, and would do more good than harm. 27. And upon this came his dif- ciples, and marvelled that he talked with the woman : yet no man faid, What feèkeft thou? or, Why talk- eIt thou with her ? 27. Tho they.prefumed not toaskhimwhy? yet they thought it ftrange that he fftould talk fo long with one woman. 28. The woman then left her wa- ter-pot, and went her way into the city,and faith to the men, 29. Come, fee a man which told me all things that ever I did : is not this the Chrift a 28. Telling her her fecrets, perfwaded her to`believe him, haying, I ám he. 3o. Then they went out of the city, and cameunto him. 31. In the mean whilehis difciple"sprayed him, laying, Mafter, eat. 32. But he laid unto them; I have meat to cat that that ye knownot of. 33. Therefore Paid the difciples one to another, Hath any man brought him ought to eat ? 34. Jefus faith unto them, Mymeatis to do,thewill ofhim that lent me, and to finial his work. 3a. &c. N. Theconverting ofone Soul was more pleafrng to thrift; than his natural food ; and fo muff it be to us. He that loveth God andChrist, and the Holy Ghoft and the Church; muff rejoyce when there is onemore converted, to 'pleafe and worfhip God, to honour Chrift and his Spirit, to encreafethe Church: He that loveth his Country, muff rejoice that one more is made a bleling to it, when the wicked are it's Enemies: He that lovethSouls, willrejoyce in that Grace which is better to them than all riches: He that loveth God's Word will re- ioyce in its fuccefs : He thatloveth Heaven will he glad that there is one more to poffefs it : jiie that loveth himfelfaright, will bé glad that