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Ch. q,. Samaritans believe. St. Jòhn. TheRuler's San healed. Ch. r it as to the Tradition of the Bible, Baptifm, Creed, fie. That Tradition loth but deliver to us thefame word mediately which the first Churches received immediately from the Apo_ ponles. He that cannot read, maybe Paved by tar_ believing the Gófpel tranflated and read, or reported by the Preachers. 4o. So whenthe Samaritans were comeunto him, they befought him, that hewould tarrywith them : and he abode there two days. 41. And many more believed, because of his own word 42. And Paidunto the woman, Now we believe, not be- caufe of thy faying : for we have heard him our felves, and know that this is indeed the Chrift, the Saviour of the world. 42. Not fo much becaufe of thyPaying. N. Yea this was the fame fort ofFaith, though by the evidence divers ways conveyed. 43 Now after two days he de- parted thence, and went into Gali- lee : 44. For Jefus himfelf teftified, that a Prophet hathno honour inhis own countrey. 43. He went into Galilee, not to Naz,aretb where he had lived; bile to Cana: For he had terrified that a Prophet is defpifed in his own Country; where they have feenhis common Pa- rentage and Education. but fee not God's Spirit in him: and familiarity breeds contempt. 45 Then when he wascome in- to Galilee the Galíleans received I 49 The noble man faith unto him; Sir, come down e'er my child die. 5o. Jefus faith unto him, Go thy way ; thy fon liveth. And the man believed the word that Jefus had fpoken unto him, and he went his way. 51. And as he was now going down, his fervants met him, and told him, Paying, Thy fon liveth. 52. Then enquired he of them the hour whenhe began to amend : and they faid unto him, Yefterday at the feventh hour the fever left him. 5 3. So the father knew that it was at the famehour in thewhich Jefus Paid unto him, , fon liveth; and himfelf 'believed, and his whole house. 54. Thisis again the fecond miracle that Jefus did, when hewas come out of Judea into Galilee. 46 &c. N. t. Outwardneceflìties which na: ture isfenfible of, drived many tofeek toChriff. 2. Children fpeed the better for their Parents Faith: And ifin the Body,why not in the Soul. g. When the Rulers ofFamilies believe, they mutt endeavour the Converfron of theirwhole Families. AndGod oftbleffeth fuch endeavours. 4. Bodily Mercies tend to the good of Souls, and fhould be fo improved. CHAP. V. Fter this there was a feaft of him, having feen all the things that n the Jews, and Jefuswent up he did at Jerufalem at the feaft: to Jerufalem. 2. Now there is at for they allowent unto the feaft. Jerufalem by the sheep-market a q s. His former and latter Miracles caufed pool, which is called in the Hebrew thefé Galilean; to receive him. tongue, Bethefda, having five Por- 46. So Jefus came again intoCa- ches. 3. In thefe lay a great multi-: na of Galilee, where he made the tude,of impotent folk, of blind,halt, water wine. And there was a cer- withered, waiting for the movingof rain noble man,whole Son was fiek the 'Water.' '4. For an angel went at Capernaum. 47. When he heard down at a certain feafon into the that Jefus was come out of Judea pool, andtroubled the water : who- into Caldee, he went unto him, and foeyer then firft after the troubling befought him that he would come of the water ftepped in, was made down and heal his fon: for hewas whole of whatfoéver difeafe he had.. at the point ofdeath. 48. Then faid Ñ a. Some few think that this was aPond Niyefus unto him, Except ye fee íigns that the blood of the Sacrifices ran into,andwas ls byy a Messenger (not an Angel) at the ¡Ind wonders, 'ye wilt not believe. time ofthe Passover when the blood was new- .