Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. T. The impotent St. John. man cured. Ch. g, Iy run into it, and fohealed, not Mfraculoufly, xi. Then asked they him, What man is that which laid unto thee, Take up thy bed and walk ? 12 Who is he that durft thus break the Law 13. And he that was healed wilt not who it was : for Jefus had con- veyed himfelf away, a multitude being in that place. 1. Ch iftdid it not for humaneapplaafe,and thereforewas not knownto be the man. 14. AfterwardJefus findeth him in the tempie,and faid unto him,Be- hold, thou art imade whole : fin no more, left a worfe thing come unto thee. 1 q,It was for thy fin that thou waft cgrreaed: Beware of fin, left the next be worfe. 15. The man departed, and told but by the ordinary virtue ofthe new fled Blood, and that it is not all difeafes that are meant 3 and that it was not eight and thirty years that the man had waited in that Ho(pital, but that he had fo long been ill: So Dr. Ham- mond ; others think it was the Pond made by H.xali?ah, and healed by unaccountable Miracle. 5. And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. f, How great a mercy is it tolive eight and thirty years under God'swholfgmedifcipiine? How unexcufàble was this man Wile hadbeen proud, or worldly, or carelefs ofhis evetlaft- ing State ? Omy God,I thank thee for thelike difcipline ofeigheand fifty years, how fafe a life is this inCompanion of fullprofperity and pleafure ? 6. When Jefus law him lie, and knew that he had been now a long the Jews that it wasJefus which had time in that cafe, he faith unto him, madehim whole. wilt thoube made whole ? 7. The f 5. He told them in thepraife ofNits, that impotent man anfwered him, Sir, I it was he that healedhim. have no man, when the water is 16. And therefore did the Jews troubled, to put me info the pool : perfecute Jefus, and fought to flay but while I am 'coming, another him, becaufe he had done theft ftepperh down before me. 8. Jefus thingson the fabbath-day. faith unto him, Rife, take up thy i6. O the blindnefs and madnefs of malig_ bed, and walk. pants, that will meek to killtnen fordoingpod 6. N. r. When humane helpfaileth, Chrift and healing men.' fheweth his love and power, and commandeth 17. But Jefus an fwered them,My health at a word. Father worketh hitherto,andI work. 9. And immediately theman was 17. To uve the afliifted, is a workbefcem made whole,and tookup hisbed,and i°gÌ S Father Thérefore; Iie Jewspiòueght the walked : and on the fame day was the more to kill him, becaufe'he not (The man h. oni had broken the fabbath, but 9. The (hewed them all thathe was cu- y red : And Chrift chafe the Sabbath for this faid allo, that God was his Father, good work. making himfelf equal with God." I o.. TheJews therefore Paid un- is. N. Malignants zeal fathereth even error to him that was cured, his the fah- and perfecution on God. bath day ; it is not lawful for thee r 9.Then anfwered Jefus,and laid to carry thy bed. unto them, Verily verily I fay unto ro. Tileyema were ftriâer than Chrift for you,TheSon can donothing ofhim- Ceremony and Rites : but loofer for Charity, felf,but what he feeth theFather do and pleadedthat it was a breach ofMófes's for haw What things foever he doeth, to carry hisconch, thefe all°doth the Son likewife. 11. He anfwered them, He that r9. tell youby condemningmq Works,you made me whole,the fame: unto condemn my Father's alto: For I do nothingg me, Take up thy bed and walk. but what I know he dóth and approveth, an it. I know not whom I fhouldobey ; ifnot he doth them in and by nie, and I do nothing a {panthat can work fo great a Miracle, without him. Q 4 2o. .For