Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i" Chrift Jheweth . St: 2o. For. the Father loveth the Son, and iheweth him all thingsthat himfelf doeth : and he will fhew him greater works than thefe, that ye may marvel. zo.For the Father's infinite Love comtitunica- tech to the Son that Wifdom and Power by Whichhe Both all that the Fatherdoth : and by which you /hall fee greater things than thefe, and wonder, 2I. For as the Father raifeth up the dead,and quickeneth them : even fotheSonquickeneth whomhewill. zr. As the Father is the Lordof Life, and giveth and reftoreth lifeat his pleafure ; foal- to doth theSon. 22. For the Father judgeth no Man; but bath committed all judg- ment unto theSon : 22. For the Rather as meer Creator according tothe Lawof Innocency judgeth no man: but bath given up the Government ofthis World to theSon asRedeemer, to judge them as ran- fomed, according to that Law and Meafure of Grace which theyare under. 23. That all men fhouldhonour the Son,evenas they honour theFa- ther.He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth nottheFatherwhich bath Pent him. 23. And fo it isby honouring the Son, that the Fatherwill be honoured, and bydifhonour- ing him, the Father is dithonoured. 24. Verily verily I fayunto you He that heareth my word, and be- lieveth on. him that fent me, bath e- verlafting life,and ¡hall not come in- to condemnation; but is paIIdfrom death unto life. 24. I tell you ifyou hear my word obedi- ently, and fhall believeon God the Father, as fending me on the Office of a Saviour, you 'hall have everl,afting life by my Merits and Gift, and !hall not be condemned. 25. Verily verily I fayuntoyou, the hour iscoming,andnow is,when the dead f11á11 hear thevoice of the Son of God : and they that hear 'hall live. 25. I tell you that the fruit is coming, yea now is already, come, in which it thall appear that the Scn ofGod bath the power of Lifeand John: 'who he is, Ch: S: Death, Natural, Spiritual, and Eternal ; and that they that are dead in Sin and Unbelief, /hall hear his Gofpel,and be regenerate and made alive to God ; and that natural Life fhall be re- ftored by him, to force Bodies at his own Re- furre6tion, andto all at left, whhnhe fhall ef fe&ually call up all the dead to Judgment. 26. For as the Father hath life in himfelf ; fo bath he given to the Son to have life in himfelf ; 26. As the Father is effential, underived fel£ life, communicating life to Creatures: So the Son as God,and as Redeemer,hath the power of givingLife from himfelf to the Redeemed. 27. And bath given him author rity to execute judgment alfo, be- caufe he is the Sonofman. 27. And as Redeemer,being the Son ofGod in his Divine Nature, and his humane Nature advancedinto perfonal Union with the Divine, he hath Authority given him to Govern the World, and according to the Lawof Grace to dójuftice for the faithful, and againft the im-, penitent unbelievers. 28. Marvel not at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves 'hall hear his voice, 29.And ¡hall come forth,they that have done good unto the refur- redion oflife ; and they that have done evil, unto the refurredtion of damnation. 28, 29, Let not thisfeem incredible to you: For the hour iscoming in whichthe Bodiesnow turnedto daft, fhall by the Soul's return bere- vived, and hear his voice that calls them up : And there fhall be a Refurre&ion of the juft and unjuft : They that havedone goodaccord- ing to the tenor ofthat Law of Grace which they were under, Bull come forth to a life of happinefs, and they that have done evil, viola- ting the conditionsof life in that Law, to the Refurre&ion ofdamnation. 30. I can of mine own felf do nothing : as I hear I judge : and my judgment is juft; bècaufe I leek not mine ownwill, but the will of the Father which bath fent me. so. I am not to judge "according to the weaknefs ofhumanity, asPrincesgovern : I do nothing, but according to Divine infallible de, cree and appointment,which I'afuredly know Andmy judgment is juft,, becaufed leek not my own. humane will, as my rule or end but thF