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Ch; 5 , The People St: John. reproved. the will ofmy Father who Pent me 3 that ismy 39. , Search the fcriptures, for in Buieand End. them ye think ye have eternal life, 3r. IfI bear witnefs of my fe1f, and they are they which teftifie of my witnefs is not true. 32. There is me another that beareth witnefs of me, 39. you own the authority of Mofes and andI know that the witnefs which the Prophets, and look to have eternal Life by he witneífethof me, is true. keeping their word : 'reach theirWritings,and 3s, 3a. If I had no teftimony but my own You will find that they teftifie ofme. word, you were not to take it for credible 40. And ye will not come to me, truth : But there is another, who giveth you that ye might have life. convincing evidences ofhis truth; even nay 4e, And though they tell you that it is in; Father by his voice from Heaven, andby his and by me, that this Life inuit beattained, ye Spirit and Works, willnot believein nie and comp tome pat you 33, Ye Pent unto John, and he may attain it. bare witnefs unto the truth.34 But I .t. I receive not honour from receive not teftimony from man men. 42. ButI knowYou, that ye but thefe things I fay, that ye might have not the loveofGod in you. be faved. 41, 42. It is not the applaufe of men that I 33, 34. You Cent to 70/2n;- and he told you Eck for ; but yoúr ownSalvation: But I know ofme as the Melfids. I weed not his or any for all your boafting ofbeing the peculiar peo- man's teftimony But it nearly concerned)your pie ofGod, you are indeed no true lovers-and own fafety to believe him. obeyers ofGod, 35. He was a burning and a 43 I am come inmy Father's Shining light : and ye were willing name, and ye receive me not : if for a eafon to rejoyce in his light. another !hall come inhis own name, 35. God fet him up to be as a burning and him ye will receive. Shining light,to lead you out ofdarknefs to the 43. I come with teftimony from Heaven of Kingdom ofthe Megiah, which you expe &ed : the million and approbation ofmy Father,and And a while you gladly heard that news, and this prevaileth not againit your prejudice to, were baptizedby him tillyou were told that believe me, But when a deceiver shall come I am he, and thenyou turned back, with oftentation, without any evidence from 36. But I have greater witnefs God, and Shall promife you a temporal King.. then that of John : for theworks dom, you will take him fpr the Meffiah. which the Father hath given me to 44 How can ye believe, which fini(h,the fame works that I do,bear receive honour one of another, and witnefs ofme, that the Father hath feek not the honour that cometh fent me. from God only ?. 36, N. For theCe works could not be done 44. Howcan yon receive the Mefah .tent but by God's power and not t b not be fromGod, who do not leek and truft'to God's the by Goss power. approbation, and his wayof facing you ; but mull have a worldly Kingdom, and be faved 37.And the Father himfelf which and advanced afterthe manner ofworidlymen, bath Pent; ie, hath born witnefs of and look for aSaviour lúited to fuck ends- me. Yehave neither heardhis voice 45. Do not think that I will ac- at any time, nor fecn. his fhape. cute you to the Father : there isqne 38. And ye have not his word abid- that accufeth you, even Mofes, in ing in you : for whom he bath fent, whom ye truft. 46. For had ye be him ye believe not. lieved Mofes, yewouldhave believ- 37, 3s. By a voice LomHeavenGod tetti- ed me : for hewrote ofme. 47.Bur fled me tobe his beloved Son : But indeedyou if $ yebelieve not his writings, how were not the perfons that heard it: For you never heardhis voice, norfaw his appearance, Shall ye believe my words? nor underftaud or believe his Word; Elfe you 45 >'4d, 47. I fay notall this as if I came to jrould Relieve on me that am fent by 1ÿ,m. be.your acculer to nay Father: Even Wes in whom