Ch. 6: Five thoufandfed. St. John: Five thoufndfed. Ch. 6, whom you trill} , had you un- H. And Jefus took the loaves, and derftood and believed the Prophefies and Types when he hadgiven thanks,he diftri- of 'defer, you would have believedme for it is me thatthey all rpeakof and oint you to: bated to the difciples, and the difci- But ifyou -will not be convinced byhis Wri- pies to them that were fet dowp ; tings whom you glory in, no wonder ifyou and likewife of the fifhes, asmùch reje&my worde. as they would. CHAP. VI. /0,11.N. If Chriftwould not diftributeBar- ley Bread, and that Miraculoufly, till he had }.After thefe things Jefus went o- given thanks; (not deterredby the fufpicions vet the fea o fGalilee, which of a Riot or Conventicle) lurewe should imi- is the e2of Tiberias. z.Anda great tare him in our ordinary repaol and eat and fett drink to the glory God, ina holy ehankfulnefs multilalde followed him, becaufe for his liberality. they faw his miracles which he did 12. When they were filled, he ón them that were difeafed. laid unto his difciples, Gather up t, 2. N. The firft motives that draw men the fragments that remain, that no- coward Chrift,are ufually fuch as Nature it Pelf thing be loft. 13. Therefore they Isfomewhat capableto efteem and judgeofifuch as Miracles are. gathered them together, and filled 3.And Jefus went up into amoun- twelve baskets with the fragments tain, and there he fat with his difci- of the five barley-loaves, which pits. 4. And the paffover, a feaft of remained over and aboveunto them theJews was nigh. 5. When Jefus that had eaten. then lift uphis eyes,and faw agreat 12, t 3. N. To lofe any of our ufeful food, p is g fin againft Cod : Where there is the great- company come unto him, he faith eft plenty, no fragments should be loft, while unto Philip,,Whence fhall we buy the pow doneed it. How much lets Should We lofe God's word or helps, or our time, or an bread that there may eat? 6. (And fuch greatermercies. af this he laid to prove him, for he 14. Then thofe men, when they hitnfelf knew what he would do). had feen the miracle that Jefus did 3. ire. N. Chrift's relief of Bodies, was in ? love to. Bodies andSouls. 2. Chrift's queftions laid, This is of a truth that prophet were to inftruathe hearers, andnothimfrl£ that fhould come into the world. q. Philip anfwered him, Two 44. N. A Miracledone upon five thoufand at hundred penny-worth of bread is once, made a commonConvielion ofthem that Chrift wasthe Mellish, or a great Prophet. Pot fufficient for them, that every 15. When Jefus therefore per- one ofthem may take a little, ceived that they would come and 7. N. Philip's fenfe of the difficulty, was a fake him by force, to makehim a prepararion to the valueof the Miracle. 8. One ofhis difciples, Andrew, king, he departed again into a Simon Peter's brother, faith unto mountainhimfelf alone. him, 9, There is a lad here, which t 5. When theywould have made a Captain and vifible Monarch of him, hefltunaed itand bath five barley-loaves, and two avoided them. . (mall hales : but what are they a- i 6. And When even was not? mong fo many ? come, his difciples went down unto 13, v. N. It was not delicious fare, butBarley the lea I And entred into a 1hi Bread and twoFillies that Chrift ufed a Miracle ' l? ,bout. and went over the fea towards Ca- ; o. And Jefus faid,Make the men pernaum : and it was now dark, fit down.Nuw there was much grafs and Jefus was not come to them: In the place. Sothe men fat down, 18. And the fea arofe, by reafon of in number about five thoufand, a great wind that blew, t 9.So when they