Ch. 6. Chrig walks on the Sea. St. John. T'he People reproved. Ch: 6: they had rowed about five and 27 .Labour Stfk and chiefly for the food Y which endureth to everlafting Life; even the twenty, or thirty furlongs, they Spirit ofHolinefs renewing youbytheGofpel, fee Jefus walking on the fea, and and an union with me who am the Bread of drawing nigh unto the fhip and Life, whichI will give unto 411 true Believers ç to which ufe God bath fent and fealed me by they were afraid. 2.0. But he faith fulnefs ofthe Spirit.andPower; and truft Gcd unto them, It is I, be not afraid. for bodily food while you labour for k, but in 16, be. N. This Miracle ihtwed Chrift to the fecond place. N. The words have a comps. be above nature. rive lignification , Labour not, is Labourlefs, 21 Then they willingly received or but fubordinately. 28. Then laid they unto him; him into the (hip : and immediately the chip wasat the land whither they went. 21. N. They might well be glad to receive him thatcould rule Seaand Land. 22. Theday following, when the peoplewhich flood on the other fide of thefea, law that there was none other boat there,fave that one where- into his difciples were entred and that jefus went notwith his difciples into the boat, but that his difciples weregone away alone : 23. (How- beit there came other boats fromTi- berias, nigh unto the place where they did eat bread, after that the Lord hadgiven thanks), 24. When the people therefore law that jefus wasnot there, neither his difciples, they alfo took thipping,and eame to Capernaum, feeking forjefus. 22, 23, 24. How earneft did thefe perlons teem infollowing Chrift 25. And when they had found him on the other fideofthe fea,they faid unto him, Rabbi, when camefl What (hall we do, that we may work the works of God? 28. What is that Labour for the everlafti . Life which God requireth of us? What ate, we do for it? z9. Jefus anfwered and faid unto them This is the work ofGod, that ye believeonhim whom hebath Pent. 29. This is your firft andgreat work which God requireth, that you believeon me whom God hath rent, and take me for yourTeacher and Saviour, that I mayguide and fanetifie you, sad teach you your further duty, in order to fit you for everlafting Life. 30, They faid therefore unto him; What fign fheweft thou then,that we may fee,andbelieve thee? what doft thou work? 31. Ourfathers did eat manna in the defers; as it is writ- ten, He gave them bread from hea- ven to eat. '3o. If thou wouldft have us believe in thee, convince us yet byother Miracles? Canft thou procure us Bread from Heaven as Mafia did? N. r. Strange! that they should call for more Miracles, when they newly came from teeing one? 2. Itwasa feedingMiracle that thefe ex- pe&edi which might gratine their fScfiaswell. thou hither? 26. jefus anfwered as their faith. them, and faid, Verily verily I fay 32. Then jefus laid unto them; untoyou, Ye feek me, not becaufe Verily verily I fay unto you, Motes yefaw the micacles, but becaufe ye gave you not that bread from heal did eat of the loaves,and werefilled. vin ;but m Father giveth you the 25.M It teems there were a very poor fort of true bread from heaven. 33. For people, that would follow Chrift for Barley the bread of God is he which coin- Bread. eth down from heaven, and giveth 27. Labour not for the meat life unto the world. which per'ifheth, but for that meat 32, it was not Mofrs that gave you the true which endureth untoeverlafting life, Bread from Heaven ; Manna and other Types which the Sonof mantháll giveunto did butforefignife me, who am the true Bread you for him bath God the Father which my father giveth you from Realm( la, whence I come ; called Bread, becam& I give ? ealed, life to the World. gq. Then