Ch. 6: Chrill is . the St. 34 Then faid they unto him, Lord, evermore giveus this bread. 34. N. Their carnal minds, had carnal de. fires, and underßood Chrift accordingly. 35. And Jefus Paid unto them, I am the bread of life he that com- eth to me, (hall never hunger ; and he that believeth on me, lhall never thirit. 3. As your bodies live by food, fo hethat cometh to -me by true Faith, and is united to me, !hall have by me true fpiritual everlafting Life, and !hall have all his necefüties ofhunger ati thirß fatisfied. ,n_'36 But I laid unto you, that ye alfo have feenme, and believe not. 36. But I know your .hearts, that many of you thathavePeen my Miracles, andthus crowd after me, for the ftrangeuels and novelty, yet . are no true believers. 37. All that the Father giveth me, Mall come to me ; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife calf our. 37. All that the Father hath given to me as Lilly refolved to fave them, Shall believe and take me for their Saviour : !come notinto the World upon an uncertainty offuccefs: I have undertaken the effe&ual laving of thole that are given meby the Fatherto be certainly lav- ed ; all thole will come tome, and I will refute none that by obedient truft doch come to me. 38. For I came down fromhea- ven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that fent me. 38. ForI came notatrandom, oron any fel- fiihtemporal defign,but to fulfil myEatherswill, who will give the Kingdom to his feleéì'ed Flocks. N. It is a troubling controverfie,how Chrift is laidto come downfrom Heaven: His human Nature was never there, and his Divine re_ mouthnot thence,and is every where. Topals by theiropinion, who fay it is a middle, luper- angelical, firft createdNature, between the Di- vine and Human that came down:I anlwer, that the Divine is laid to come down, not by a fubftantial removal or change ofplace, but by k,tranfcendent influx and operation, on the Hu- man nature ofChrift. Men may talk in the dark how they pleafe, but it's certain that that Di. vine Eftence is every where,without inequality . or exiftence; and is no more in Chrift's Human Nature, as to effentialpretence, than he is eve- ry where: But as he is faid to be in Heaven, be- çaçtle thereby, operateth by glorious ì'efùlgency John: breadof life. Ch. 6. and love tothe glorified, fohe is eminent= ly and peculiarly united to the Manhood of Chrift, for andby a more eminent andpeculiar operation on theHuman Nature. As the Sun is morein the Eye than in the Hand or Foot,more in tttu Plants that it quickeneth than in the Stones ; fo is the Godhead in the HumanNature of Chrift. And fo the Godheadcame downBono Heaven, as the Sun doth when it Shineth in at our Windows, oc on a burning glati, or rather as it aninrdteth Plants. 39. And this is theFather's will whichhath fent me, that ofall which he hath given me, I fhould lofe no- thing, but fhould raife it up again at the gait day. 39. And it is the fpecial Commiffionwhich! have from my Father, that 1 Should effedkuaily lave all thesehis chofen, and raife them up to life .everlaßing, 40. And this is the will of him that fent me, that every one which féeth the Son, and believeth onhimg may have everlafting life : and I will raifehim up at the loft day. 40. Andit is my Father's will, that every one that bynotice of the evidenceofmy truth, truly believeth ors me, !hall have everlafting Life, to which (firft here begun) I will raife him at the laß. 41. The Jews then murmured at him, bccaufe Ile laid, I'am the bread which came down from heaven. 42. And they faid, Is not this Jefus the fon of Jofeph, whole father and mother we know ? how is it-then that he faith, I came down from heaven ? 41. N. This difficulty flailed their Faith, not knowing the myflery of Chrift's Perlon and Incarnation. 43. Jefus therefore anfwered and faidunto them, Murmurenot among your felves. 44- No man can come tome, except theFatherwhich hath fent me, draw him and Iwill raifé him upat the Taft day. 43. The objetions which you murmur on do indeed require Divine Grace to overcome them and therefore nonecan fcncerely believe and come to me asa Cljriftian, except the Fa_ dadwho fent me to fave men, convince and dtaw