Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch, 6. Cbrifl if. the St. Sohn: bread of life. Ch. 6.. draw them tome to be faved, and all thole 1 ther explain it to them, than by Paying, I Will raife to life evetlafting. tell you, unlefs that you live by vitree of m j 45. It is written in the Prophets, Feefh andBlood received by Faith, as fred is by And they be all taught of God. Your m°nth, ye have no fpirimal laving life.t It is all they, that thus byFaith partake of my Every man therefore that hathheard, Sacrificed Flesh andBlood, that have the Title and bath learnedof the Father, COm and beginningofEternal Life, and I will at laft eth unto me. ralle themup to the full fruition of ir. For mÿ 45 As the Prophetsfpeak ofa Divine teach_ facrificedFeefh and Blood are truly enlivening in", fo thole that are thus taught of G -d, are and laving., they that come to me. 56. He that eateth my flefh, and 46. Not that any man bath leen drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, the Father, fave hewhich is of God, and I in him. he bath Peen the Father. 56. Hethat by true Faith trtifteih inmy fa- 46. Not by a Teaching by feeing him ; for crificedFeefh and Blood,profeffeth thereby. tobe it is I w$ that come from him, that have Peen united to me, as digefted food is-to the body, Y whereby I allo dwell imhirn, and I will give him him theSpirit cfLife, and he Thall live by im 47. Verily verily I fay unto you, iubnce from me. He that believeth on me bathever- 57. As the living Father bathPetit lafting life. 48. I am that bread of me, and i live by the Father : fo he life. 49. Your fathers did eatmanna in the wildernefs, and are dead. 50. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. 51. I am the living bread, whichcame down fromheaven : if any man eat ofthis bread, he fhall live forever : and the bread that I will give, is my flefh, which I will give for the life ofthe world. 47. Itell you; he that believ th on me, bath that everlaftmg Lif-, which Manna gavenot, that eateth me, even he Ihali live by me. 57. As the Father isE1fential SerfUfi, and I live byCommunication front him; fo he that is intimately united to me, and Itohim, as food is to the body by digel}ion,by a covenanting lively Faith,shall live byme a life ofGrace and Glory. 58. This is that bread which came down from heaven : not as 'your fathersdid eat manna, and are dead, he that eateth ofthis bread,lhall live for ever. s8. I am the true Bread from Heaven, who giveeverlafting Life, when your Farhers who for theyare dead that did eat it. I am the Bread did eat Manna died, and were not by that that came indeed from Heaven and give Life, made immortal. Stet temporary, buteverlafting, not to a few, 59, Thele things Paid he in theCy- but to the world, oruniverfal Church: My Ça- nagogue ashe taught inCapernaum. crificed flefh fhall purcháfe this. 5 Z. The Jews therefore ítrove a 59. N. Remember, it was not thole only that had followed him that he fpakethis to,and mongft themlelves, laying, HowCan thefollowing Sharppaflages; but to hisauditors this man give -us his flefh to eat ? at capernauvn. 53 Then jefüs faid unto them, Ve- 6o. Many therefore of his difci- rilyverily I fay unto you, Except pies, when they had heard this, faid; yeeat the flan of theSonofman,and This is an hard faying, who can drinkhis.blood, ye have no life in -hear it ? 'you. 54. Whofo eateth my flelh,and_ - - 6o. N. drift would not forbear thisrnyfte= drinkethmy blood, bath eternal life, rious do&rine, though the hearers could not di- geft it, but would make an ill ufe ofit, to de-. and I will raife him. up at theTaft part fromhim, day. 5 5, For myfiefli is meat indeed, 61:. When Jefus knew in him- and my blood is drink indeed. fell that his difciples murmured, 52. This teemed to them a laying notto be eligcftecl, and Chrift;at thatdime wouldnofur at it, . he laid unto them,. Doth this offend