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Ch. 4. Chriffafitetb, St. Matthew. and is tempted. Ch: 4. f, 6. 'then the Devil, permittedby God, the molt odious fin, even to Worship the carried the body of Chrift through the edr, Devil. Therefore' meet'mptation, even and fet him on the Battlements or force high to Blaft,henry, fhould not ticourage melon- place on the Temple ; and faid,Caft thy leg' choly Perlons, who hare and resin ir. down, 6v, io. Then faith Jetùs un.:o him, Note, t. God maÿ give Satan power even Get thee hence, Satan : for it is to carry our Bodies about, and yet not over- written, Thou fhalt worfhip the comeour Souls. 2. The Devil would tempt Lord thy God, and him (halt is to think, that wemay do any thing that Y t only hath no danger to us, tho it be out of the thou ferve. way ofoar Obedience. 3. He that will have to. t. Note, When it cometh to Blafphe- Gpd's proteÉtlon, mutt keep in the way of mous and AtheiRical Temptations, Satan his duty to God, andnot prefume that God Ihouldbe driven away, and no longer dit [hall live him out of his way in our own. puted with and endured : z. Yet even 7. Jefus faidunto him, It is writ- then Scripture mutt be given for confu- ting his Blafphemies. 3. Whether Satan tenagain, the p do all this in pride, as defiring to be wor- Lord thy God. (hipped, or in hatred to God and Souls, is 7. Note, t. Tho the Devil ufe Scripture doubtful: but it's like to be from all thefe. for temptation, this is no dithonourto Scrip- 4. COng] excludeth other Gods, and all cure,; but we mull confute mif-application Competitors and Oppofites, but not Parents, of Scripture, by Scripture rightly expounded Matters, Princes, as fabordi,tate to God. and applied. Papifts and all Hereticks, and r r. Then the Devil leavethhim, the Devil himfel£may ufe Scripture ( and And behold, Angels came, andmi- therefore all mafcnot be believed that ute it:) nittred'unto him. , But that is an honour to ir, fignifying that it it. Note, t. Satan can Ray no longer than is God'sWord, or elfe it would not ferve the God will. z. Angels are God's Servants Hypocrites turn. As all contenders pretend for Chrift and for his Church. 3. As Chritt to Beaton, and yet Reafonmull decide their had theMiniftry of Angels, we need it much Controverfies. more. 2. Tempting God is diftrufting his ordi- r _. Nowwhen Jefus heard that nary care, and providence, arid prefcribing tohim our own ways. John was caft into Prifon, he de- 8: Again the Devil taketh him parted into Galilee. up into an exceeding high moue- ta. Note, Clara avoided Perfecution, till tain, and fhewrth him all the King- his Hour was come : And io may we. doms of the world, and the glory 13. And leaving Nazareth, he of them 9. And faith unto him, came and dwelt in Capernaum , All thefe things will I give thee, which is upon theSea coati, in the if thou wilt fall down and wor- borders' of Zabulon and Nephtha- Ihip me. lime 34. That it might be fulfilled a, 9. Note,: t. Satan took advantage of which was fpoken 'by Efaias the Chrift's voluntary povetty and falling, to Prophet, flying, 15. TheLand of tempt his Refit to the defile of earthly pro- Zabulon, and the Land of Nephtha. fperity and dominion. 2. By t all King. litn, by the way of the Sea. beyond dams] is meant, many that were within JJrdan, Galilee of the Gentiles profpeíf. 3. How far God loath given the power of earthly Kingdoms and Glory to tó. Thepeople whichfate in dark- the Devil, is not fully certain. But we fee nefs taw great light, and to them he hath given him power to tempt men by which fate in the region and flu- them, and, it's like, much todifpofeofthem dow ofDeath, Light is fprung up. as far as thofe temptations prevail. That t3. ojc. Of which I may ore the words he ufeth almoft all the Empires of the world of Ifa. y, tho' then fpoken to another pur- againR Chrift and Holineti, by ,Malignity pole, as now fulfilled literally as they teem and worldly tntetelts, to keep up ignorance to found, and as perhaps the Holy Gho and ungodlineli, is notorious by fad experi- mi ht farther mean/hem, 1rt. ence. 4. TheDevil thinketh not Kingdoms g and Glory too great a price to win and undo 1 T 7 From that time Jefus began 4óulp. sx Citci(t,himfelf was tempted tp to treaçh, and,to faÿi Repent, for