Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 6: IA traitor among St offend you ? 62. What and if ye (hall fee the Son of man afcend up where he was before ? 6[. I will e're long afcend up vifibly to Hea- ven: and*ill not that prove that I came from Heaven ? . 63. It is the fpirit that quicken- eth, the fleth profiteth nothing : the words that I fpeak unto you, they are fpirit, and they are life. 6 3. And as to your ö4'ence at my words of the eating of my Flfh.; youknow that Flethof it Pelf wouldbedead anda fenfelefs thing, were it not for the Soul that is its life. And fò it is not my mere dead flefh that I fay than give you life ; but my Flefh as it is in dignity theBody of the Son of God, purchafing life for the World, andasit is accompanied with the ope- rationoftheHoly Ghoft, which animateth them fpiritually, who by Faithare united to me. And thus not only my liefh, but the words that I (peak to yo[y.are bymy Spirit made the means ofcommunicating to youSpirit and Life. 64. But there are forceof you that believe not. ForJefas knew from the beginning, who they were that be- lieved nor, and who fhould betray him. 64. But thereare tome ofyou that followme, that are not true believers, and therefore have toot this quickning Spirit. For he knew their hearts,and knew who would after betrayhim. A Though Chrift knewyudae and other Hy- pocrites, hedid not expel them, but Cent out pi- etasto Preachwith the reft,totell us how thevi- fible Churchwill be conftitured and muft be ordered. 65. And he laid, Therefore raid unto you, that no mancancome Unto me, except it were given unto him ofmy Father. 6S. N. That the word tCaa7 fpeaketh not of Phyfical power, but partly moral it difpofition, and partly an hypothetical impoffbility ofe- vent. a. That though God's grace be the caufe offaith,no rrstn is deprived ofthatGrace but by his own wilful fsn,which maketh him unexcufa- ble. 66, From that time manyof his difciples went back, and walkedno more with him. 66. By forfaking bim, they fhewed'that they were never found believers. 67. Then Paid Jeftls unto the . John: the apoffles: Ch. 7: twelve, Will ye alto go away? 68. Then Simon Peter anfwered him, Lord, to whom (hail we go ? thouhaft the words of eternal life. 69. And we believe, and are lure, that thouart that Chrift the Son of the living God. 67: N. a. Chrift puts none away, till they putaway themfelves. z: Heforceth none to flay. 3. It greatly fixetlt a Chriflian's refolation to flick to Chrift, tö know there is none elfe to go to. As it refolveth uses look for Happinefs to Gad and Heaven, becaufewe are face there is no other. 4. SoundFaith mayattain affurance that Chrift is the Son oftheliving God. Ithath always obje&ive certainty, and a prevalent certainty, and a prevalent confidence, and may reach to a mental confirmed certainty. 7o. Jefas anfwered them,. Have not I choferi youtwelve, andone of you is adevil ? 71, He fpakeofJu- das Ifcariot, the fnof Simon : for he it was that fhould betray him, being oneof the twelve. 70,7 r. Even ofyou twelvewhom Í have cha. fen our of all the reft to be next me, one is a Devitt that is Judaea N. t. Some men are foBid that they may bé called Devils.Both as folkCalumniaeors,whence is the name Diabolus; and as they are the very agentsofthe Devil, and minded like him, and ruled byhim,and dovihathemoveth them todo, in his three great works, Lyiirg, or(Deceit), Ha- tredor (Malignity),andHurtfalnefi and Murder. 2, Suchmay be latent in the holieft Society. I. Whichyet mutt not be denominatedby filch. CHAP. VII, x, A Fter thefe things, Jefus walk- éd in Galilee ; for he would not walk in Jewry, becaufe the Jews fought to kill him. N. r. Chrift's own example tells usj That it is no finful cowardice to avoid perfecution, till our Coffering or deathbe like to domore good than liberty, or life. 2. Now theJews feaft of taber- nacles was at hand. 3. His brethren therefore raid unto him, Depart hence,and go intoJudea,that thydif- ciples allo may fee the works that thoudoe ft. 4.Forthere is no man that doeth any thing in fecret, and he himfeif