Ch. 7:' Clrift's St. himfélf feeketh to be known openly: If thou do thefe things, Phew thy felf to the world. 5. For neither did his brethren believe in him. s. &c. N. Chaffs own Kindred believed not on him a long time ; and cenfured him for not appearing more publickly in the face ofdan- gers and rulers, ifhe were feat fromGod. Thus men will teach and reprove thofeofwhom they should learn. Foolifh men will feemwirer than Chiift, and diflike his wage. 6. ThenJefus Paidunto them,My time is not yet come : but your time is alway ready. 7. The world can- not hate you ; but me it hateth, be- caufe I teftifie of ir, that the works thereofare evil. S.Go yeup unto this feaft: I go not up yet unto this feaft, for my time is not yet full come. 9. When hehad laid thefe words un- to them, he abode fill! in Galilee. t o. Bit/ whenhis brethren were gone up, then went he alfo up unto the feaft, not openly, but as it were in ferret. 6. &c. N. r. Chrift here alfo avoided perfe_ cation. a. He trufted not his Brethren with' his purpofe. z z . Then the Jews fought him at she feaft, and Paid, Where is he ? i 2.And there was muchmurmuring among the people concerning him : for fome faid, He is a good man : others laid, Nay ; but hedeceived/ the people. 13. Howbeir, no man fpake openly of him, for fear of the Jews. I2, r3. Thepeopledivided in theirjudgments ofhim, did not openly fpeak their minds, for fear ofthe Rulers that were melt againft him. 14. Now about the midft of the feaft, Jefus went up into the temple, . and taught. z 5. And the Jews mar- velled, Paying, How knoweth this than letters, having never learned ? x6. Jefus anfwered them, and laid, My dodtrine is not mine, but his that fent me. 17. Ifany man will do his will, hefhall know of the do- Jöhrt: t)óíetris'te. dtrine, whether' it be of God, or whether I fpeak of my Pelf. 14. He that is fent ofGod, mayknowmake than he bath learn'dofman : God tells mewha to fpeak. And thole that truly obey fo much of the Will ofGod as they know,, are prepares to know more, and to difcern my 1%arine to be ofGod : but wilfulfirinersàfe not. z S. He that fpeaketh of himfelf;, feeketh his own glory: but he that feeketh his glory that fent him, the fame is true, andno unrighteoufnefa is in him. 18. Did fleckvain=glory or anyprioate ends ofmy own, youmight fuppafe that I fpake my, own words. But ifI only leek the Glory of Godand good ofmen, though to My own fuf fering, you have no caufe to fufpedt me ofde- ceit or any ill defign. 19. Did not Mefes give you the law, andyet none ofyou keepeth the law? Why go yeabout to kill me? ry' But how unfit are you to difcern wheal do&rive is of God, who keep not the i.awof Motes which you boaft of. For thatLaw forbid BethMurder, and yet you leek to murderme. 20. The people anfwered and laid, Thouhaft a devil : who goetiit about to kill thee? 2 o.N.They fuppofed him difiraáeci. And tht- diftra&ed were ufually takenfor Demoniacka. 2z. Jefus anfwered and Paid unto? them, Ihave done onewórk,and ye all marvel. zz.Mofes therefore gave unto youcircumcifion;. (not becaufe it is ofMofes,but ofthe fathers) and ye on the fabbath day circumcife a man. z3.Ifamanon the fabbath -clay receive circumcifzon,that the lawof Mofes fhould not be broken ; areye angry at me, becaufe I have made-a. man every whit whole on the falb- bath-day 21. N,The Hiftory ofhis Cure,and d'ie'ie Abe; ring his death for it, is here pelt over aid Cup, poled. But Chrift knew their malicious defign.- z4.Judge not according to theap- pearance, but judge righteous judg- ment. 24. judge not byoutward fhcWs and World:, ly sirens pinions, but according to the ebi deuce oftruths :,ÿ. Then.