Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 7. Chris St. Jan: Doölrinè Ch: 7 25. Then Paid fome of them of unto the difperfed among the Gen- tiles, and teach the Gentiles ? 36. What manner of faying is this that he faid, Ye (hall Peek me, and (hall not find me : and where I am, thi. Sher ye cannot come ? 3s. Will he go to thofc Jews who are dB"- perfed abroad theWorld, or what meaneth he t 37. In the laft day, that_great day of the feaft, Jefus Rood and cried, faying, If any man thirft, let him come unto me, anddrink. 38. He that believeth on me; as the fcripz tore hathPaid; out of his belly than flow rivers ofliving water. 39. (But this fpake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him thouldre- ceive : for the holy Ghoft was not yet given, becaufethat Jefuswas not yet glorified). 37. In the lair and great day ofthat Featt Chrift proclaimed the premised gift oftheSpi- rit, underthe name ofRivers ofliving Waters, to all that thould truly believe on him : That is, when he was glorified. For till then theHoly Ghoft for the operation ofthefe eminent gifts was not given. 40. Many of the people therefore when they heard this Paying, faid, Ofa truth this is the prophet. 41.0- thers laid, This is the Chrift. But . fome faid, Shall Chrift comeout of Galilee ? 42. Hath not the fcripture faid, That Chrift cometh of the feed of David, and out of the townof Bethlehem, where David was ? 43. So there was a divifion among the people becaufeof him. 40. His words and Works inclined many to believe inhim ; but they could not anfwer Ob- je&ions from his Originals. 44 And force of them would have taken him; but no man laid hands on him. Jerufalem, Is not this he whom they feek to kill ? 26. But lo, he fpeaketh boldly, and they fay nothingunto him : do the rulers know indeed that this is the veryChrift ? s s. Do they fuffer him becaufe they believe him tobe Chiilt 27. Howbeit, we know this nian whence he is : butwhenChrift com- eth, no man knowethwhence he is. 27. N. They knewhis visible Originals, but they knew not his heavenly nature and glory; 28. Thén cried Jefus in the tem- ple as he taught, Paying, Ye both knowme, and ye know whence I am : and I am not come ofmy Pelf; but he that fent me is true; whom ye know nor. 29. But I knowhim,for I am from him, and hehath fent me. 214 N. Ye knowmy viable Originals: But youknow not my Heavenly Father who fent me : But I know him, for I, &c. 3o.Then they fought to take him : but no man laid hands on him, be- caufe his hourwas not yet come. 3 t .And manyofthe people believed on him,and faid, When Chrift corn- eth, will he do mo miracles then thefe which this man hath done ? 30, .3 t. His Miracles convinced tome againft all prejudices andobje&ions. 32. The Pharifees heard that the people murmured fuch things con- cerninghim: and the Pharifees, and the chief priefts Pent officers to take him. 33. Then faid Jefus unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then Igo unto him that fent me. 34 Ye fhall feek me, and thall not find me: and where I am, thither ye cannot come. 32. en, ThePharifees and Priefts, thought perfecuting neceffary to keep peoplefrom e- lieving on him. And Chrift told them, Itsbut 44. N. God hinderech bad men from doing a little while, till I Shall be out of the reachof what theywould do, and they knownot how your malice: he doth ir. 35. Then faid the Jews among 45. Then came the officers to themfelves, Whither will he go,that the chief Priefts and Pharifees; and weShall not find him ? will he go they faid unto thema Why have ye nóç