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Ch. 7. Many people believe. St. not brought him ? 46. The officers anfwered, Never man ípake like this man. 45, 46. God made Chrift's words effectual at the prefent to convince and refrain them from violence. . 47 Then anfwered themthe Pha- rifees, Are ye alfo deceived ? 48. Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharifees believed on him ? 49. But this people who knoweth not the law are curfed. 47, 48. N. The vain refpet to menof repa- ration and power, is a ufuàl carafe ofunbelief and d fobediena to 'God. 2. They tightly judged that ignorance is the taufè oferror and deceit ; but they falfly thought their literal knowledge with prejudice and worldly minds, hadbeena fife flue: 5o. Nicodemus faith unto them, (he that came to Jefus by-night, be- ing oneof them), 51. Dothour law judge any man before it hear him, John. Nicodetntts's Counfeel Ch. F: teachers. 4. His finsg in teaching, is not an obligatory example to us, but an irdiflèrent circumstance. 3. And the fcribes and Pharifes brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had fet her in the raids, 4. They fay untohim, Mafter, this woman was taken in a- dultery, in the very a&. 5. Now Mofes in the law commanded as, that fuch thouldbe 'toned : but what fayeft thou ? z. N. That the last Verfe of the foregoing Chapter,and the eleven firft Verfes ofthisChap- ter, were not in divers ofthe oldBooks in the Greek; and diversofthe moft credible Fathers and knowwhat he doeth 50,51. mew/emus bearing a good will to Christ, ftopt themby a common rule of Juftice, that by the Law no man fhould be condemned till he be heard fpeakfor ltimfelf, and the Cafe be well tried. 52.. They anfwered and faidun- to him, Art thou alto of Galilee? Search and look c for outofGalilee arifeth no prophet. 53. And every man went unto his own houfe. $ 2. N. r. They givehim a(corn instead ofà good anfwer. 2. And then how poor a reafon fatis&eth them againft all the Miracles and Do. &tine ofChrist; because Galilee was a contem- ned Country, where Christ dwelt, though he was born at Bethlehem, ofDavid's line. 3. One man's wordsmay fometimesdivert aperfecution, CHAP. VIII. I,. TEfus went unto the mount of Olives: a. And early in the morning hecame again into the tem- ple, and all the people came unto him; and he fat down and taught them. r. N. 5. He left the City at Night, left they fhduld furprizehint 2.0e chofe the Temple as a placeofGod's Confecration, and of beft op. pertanity for auditors. 3. The Jews ufed to let them teach, who profeffed tbemfuIves w be either have them not, or take them for .Apo- cryphal; and fo do many Proreftants befides Bex,a : So that it isuncertain to us, whether it be any part of God's word : But we have e- Houghbefides ofwhich we maybe certain: Suppofe the Text currant, it Teems they would have drawn Christ into a fñare; by get- tinghim either to fpeak againft the Law, or a- gainft Cmfar, who had taken from them the power ofputtingoffenders todeath,which the Law gave then. 6: This they faid, tempting him; that theymight have to accule him. But Jefus ftouped downy and with hts finger wrote on the grounds as though he heard them nor: a. Bez.a taketh this Writingon the p-outxl to be improbable and part of the Apocryphal fury : it was otherwife, it fighified buta dif= cerningoftheir fnare, and à putting off the an- fwer by a teeming negle& ordifregard. 7. So when they continuedasking him, he lift up himfelf, andPaidun- to them, He that is without fin a- mong you, let him firft calt a ftone at her. 7: N. That heevádeth the foàre of their que7 ftïon,as not belonging to him to judge: 8. And again he ftouped down; and- wrote on the ground. 9. And they whichheard it,being conVidted by their own confcience, went ont one by one, beginning at the eideft, even unto the laft: and Jefus was left alone, and the Woman ftanding inthe midít. e, 9: Ni It isfo improbable t'sat Civili should be left alone in theTetftple, that this iaereàfeth r Fesa'sr.