Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Cb. 8.4 womanecci/ed ofadultery. Bezas fitfpicion that it is Apocryphal : But if it be true, it riieaneth that thole went away who came to accule the woman, and left him with his auditors and the woman. I o. When Jefus had lift up him- felf, and law none but the woman, he laid unto her,Woman,where are thofe, thine accufers ? bath no man condemned thee ? I a. She faid,No men, Lord. And Jefus Paid unto her, Neither do I condemn thee : goand fin no more. 10, 11. N. Thofe th It hence takeencourage- ment to connive at adtiltery,muft nor . i. That the text it felfis ofuncertain authority. 2. Ifit werecertain, it frgniñelh not that Chrift would have adultery unpunilted: but that he dif- claimed the office ofa Judge in matters ofcor- poral punillunent, as bringno Magifirate. 12. Then fpake Jefus again un- to them, laying, I am the light of theworld : he that föllowcth me, shall not walk in darknefs, but ¡hall have the light of life. 12. N. Here begins the certain Text : g. d. lam that TeacherPent from God, who Stew all my followers that light that quickueth and leaded, to everlafting life, and others liveand walk in darknefs. 13. The Pharifees therefore faid unto him, Thou beareft record of thy Pelf; thy record is not true. 14. Jefus anfwercd and laid unto them, Though I bear record ofmy fell, yet my record is true : for I knowwhence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. .1 3, 14. Thy own teftimony of thy felfis not credible,,,.Jefa; laid, Even my teftimony ofmy Pelfis' true and credible, becaufe I know what I fay. andwhence I come, &e, But yourdenial of it is not credible, becaufe you know not whence I come, &s. but (peak againfi what you know riot. 15. Ye judge after the flefh, I judge no man. 16. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true : for I am not alone, but I and the Father that tent met à 5,16, You fee no further than my deftly part and originals ; r do not fo rafhly lodgeof any.,-laud yet ànygjudget tni is uruësind eredi- St.Johri. Chrifl is the Light. Ch.8. bie, for you have not my bare word but there- with the works cfthe powerofmy Father that Pent me, and his atreftation. 1 7. It is alto written in your law, that the teftimony of two men is true. 18. I am one that bear witne(s of my fell, and the Father that lene me, beareth witnefs of nie. 17, I. Your Law alloweth two Witneffes tobe credible, I am one, who may be allowed to witnefs about othermeasintereft, that I am rentby the Father to fave loft s ; and the Father is the other, whole Voice and Works bear witnefs of me. 19. Then laid they unto him, Where is thy Father? Jefusanfwe- red, Ye neither knowme, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have knowdmy Father alto. 19, Where is thy Father: Is not yofeph thy Father? He laid, You know neither Me ncr cry Father : Had you by my Do&rice and Worksknown Meand my Office, I Should have taught you to know my Father. zo . Thefe words (peke Jefus in the treafuryas he taught in the tempie: and no man laid hands on him, for his hour was not yet come. zo. N. Till God's appointed time oftrial ansi i rffvring, among the fierceft enemies there is f z I . Then faid Jefits again unto :hem, I go my way, and ye fhall leek me, and !hall die in your fins : whithet I go, ye cannot come. ar. I came to you as a Saviour, and ye re- jerkme, and I will accordingly depart front you, and your fin Mali bring defies &'son on you,and I will fend theGofpel to the Gentiles, and will afcend to Heaven, whence your fin will exclude you. zz. Then laid the Jews, Will he kill himfelf? becaufe he futh,Whi- ther I go, ye cannot come. 23. And he faid unto them, Ye are from be- neath, I am from above c ye are of this world, I am not of this world, 24. I faid therefore unto you, that ye ¡hall die in your fns : for if ye be- Iieve not that I am be, ye ¡hall die in your fans. 22. Ye are of this lower World: I am ofa- bóneand thither I go. And ifyou believe not that I am the Chziit your Nation tall be de- 4troycel