Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 8. Who are St. John; 'Abraham's Seed. Ch. 8. deftroyed for rej <&ing me, and you nail die 37. Some prefent anferered him, We beA_ unpardoned in your lin. braham's Seed, and though the Romani wafter 25. Then laid they unto him us, we are no mulls (laves: What then is the Who art thou t And Jefus laid unto freedom which thou doft promüè us? them;Even the Anie that laid unto 34 Jetas anfwered them, Verily fou from the beginning. z6. I have comaiitlfin,to you! feryhalo fin. many things to fay; and to judge of .11'e. And the feì vast abidcth not in you : but he that lean me is true ; t houle for ever ° but the Son a- and. I fpeak tó the world thofe rhinos bideth ever. 36. If theSon therefore which I have heard of him: fhall make you free, ye Iliad! be free 25. Even the Ifeffiah as I have always told you. Ihave much to fay againft your infidelity, indeed. but I will now only appeal ro my Fatherss . 34, 33, 36. Can you loaf ofyour freedom tcftimony, whofc words Lfpeák, whoby your fitful pranico thew that you are 7. They under:iood not that he the fcrvants of fin, and by it are liable to the judgmentof God, as flares are to(}riper. And fpake to them of the Father. ifyou have thus enflaved your felves to fin and 27. !s. Grors ignorance is the parent and tp God's judgments, he may turn you ourof his' none of onblicf. Houle you know not how&ion. But theSon and 23. Then laid Jefus }into them, Heir is notturned away. Therefore ifyou will When ye have lift up the Son of be fce indeed from the guilt of fin. and the man; then that!. ye know that I am wrath of God, and the malice of Saran, come i'e and that I do nothing ofm ' fell - in by the Son; and fo you may beÉce. g 3 I k ow that e are Abra but as my Father bath taught me, I yam's feed ¡m ye leek to kill me; fpeak thefe things. becaufe my word bath no place in 28. When ye have crucified me, arm I (hall convince many ofyou byfuller evidence that I y011. 33. I fpeak that which I have am the Chrif, and the ref than feel it to their fenwith my Father: and ye do that deltruc`tion; and thefe my words mall be con- whichye have leenwithyour father. firmed. 37> 3 e. I knowthat you are the Seedof,A- 29. Arid he that lent me; is with ti, 31' by the firm. But were you his feed as Me: the Father bath not left me a- he is the Fatherof the faithful; you would not lone : for I do always thofe things leek to kill me, and rejeçt my word. Even that that leale him. word oftruth which i you y re have received oftoy Fa- ther, which 'e&, and obey he will of 29. My Father that Cent me, never deferred our Father. y me, for I do but fulfil his will, and do what he y appointedme. 39. They anfwered andPaid unto 30. As he fpake thefewords, tia- him, Abraham is our father. Jefus ny believed on him. 31. Then laid faith unto them, if ye were Abra- Jefus to thole Jews which believed ham's children, ye Would do the ón him, Ífye continue in my word, works ofAbraham. 4o. But nowye then are ye my difciples indeed; feek to kill me, aman that bath told 3z. And ye (hall know the truth,and you the truth, which I haveheard of the truth thall make you free. God: this did not Abraham, go, 31. I cannot take you for my difciples; 39; 40, Ifye Were .AbrahamsChildren,yod unlefs your Faith be rooted fó, as to perfevere would be like him, and do as he did. But co and proceed to learn what yet you have not Peck to murder ale for telling you the truth, learned: And if ye do this, you (hall know which I have heard from God, is not like 4- more ofthat truth that willfave you, and deli- btaftam'sworks of Faith. ver you from the greater ofyour bondage. 33. They anfwered him, We be 41. Ye do the deeds of your f Abraham'sfeed, àndWere never in them Then faid they to him,We be bondage to any man how:fayefc not bornoffornication; we have one thud, áe liga!! b6 lrlek free ?i Father; own. God, 42. Jefus fait! un- P x. io