! (I Ch. 8. Chryi blafphime.' St, John. by the yews. Ch. to them, IfGod were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth, and came fromGod; neither came I ofmy felf, but he fent me. 4'. Y: Thew by your deeds, while nature you bale, and fo who is your father. 42. If Godw, re your Father you would be like him, and then you w uld love me, who came from him, as rent by him. 43:Why do ye not underftänd my fpeech ? even becaufe ye cannot hear my word. 44. Yeare ofyourlather the devil, and the lufts of your fa- ther ye will do : hewas a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in thetruth,becaulè there is no truth in him. When he fpeaketh a lie, he fpeakethofhis own: forhe is a liar, and the father ofit. 43,44. Why is myDo&rine rejeetedbyyou, but bccaufe your corrupt natures, and Tut are contrasy to it? To fpeak plainly to you, As the Child's nature is like the Father's fromwhom it is received, foyours is fo like theDevil's na- ture, that I may lay you received it from him, and he is the father of it, and fo far ofyou. For you love to do thatwhich he loveth anddeG- reth : Thefe are hisgreat Charaders. I. Hewas from the beginning A MALICIOUSMURDE- RER. 2. He is ALIAR; a deferrer ofthe Truth, and an enemy to it. Hisbufinefs in the World is to Deceive byLying ; andwhen he thúsiieth and deceiveth, he dothaccording to his corrupt na- ture; for he is a Liar and theFather ofLies. N. a. By their three Chara&ers ofLYING, MALIGNITY end MURDER or hurtfulnefs, the dcviffis nature and feed is known: Andno boafting of,Abrshám or Chriftianity, is any difproofof it.2. Devilifm is the univerfàl pravity of the malignant World. And it is nowrong or railingfo to fay, that theDevil istheir Father. 45. And becaufe I tell you the truth, ye believe me not. 45 Though nature love the Truth as Truth, yet becaufe the Truth that I tell you is crois to your prejudiceand carnal minds and lufts,yere- ¡e& it as if it were error. 46. Whichofyou convincethme of fin ? And if I fay the truth, why doye not believe me ? qi. Ifyou know anyfalThood or anby me, prove ir ifyou can : but if it be Truth that t whom ye fay, that he is yourGod: lay, whydoth prejudice and malicehinder you 5 5. Yet ye have not known him ; Dom believing it t but Iknow him: and ifI fhouldfays 4ry.. He-that is of, Cod' hearetlu I know him nora I Mall be a liar life God's words: ,ye therefore hear themnor, becáute ye are not ofGod. 47. The Children ofGod have aHind and naturelike him : And therefore they favour and love his word. Therefore your rejeOing God's word, Both prove that yeare not the Children ofGod. 48. Then anfwered the Jews, and faid unto him, Say we not well, that thou art a Samaritan, and haft a devil? 48. They laid, Do we not call thee as thou art, in faying, thanart a diftra&edSamaritan Heretíck? 49. Jefus anfwered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do difhonour me. 5o. And I Peek not mine own glory : there is one that feeketh and judgeth. 49. 1 am not a diftra&ed Demoniack (but you calumniators) : My Dofhrine and Works ho-' nour my Father, and as for your difhonouringof nie, though Ican bear it, who leek notmy own Glory, my Father will fecure my honour, and judge you for your reproach. 5 r. Verily verily I fay unto you, If a man keep my faying, he shall never fee death. 5 T. I tell you that reje& my word, that to believe and keep it, is,the way to everlafting. life, and ro be faved from deathfpititual, tem- poral(by refurre&ion), and eternal. 5 z. Then faid the Jews untohim, Nowwe know that thou haft a de- vil. Abraham is dead, and thepro- phets ; and thou fayeft, if a man keep my faying, he fhall never tafte ofdeath. 53. Art thou greater then our father Abraham,which is dead ? and the prophets are dead : whom makeft thou thy Pelf? 52, 5 3.Nowwe know that thou art adillraE4- ed demoniack ; When thou raikeft ofmens not- dying, when .Abraham and the Prophets are dead. Art thou fomuch greaterthan all they? 54. Jefus anfwered, If I honour myfelf, my honouris nothing: it is myFather that honoureth me, of