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Cll. 9. The blind St. John. reflored to fight. Ch. 9. like unto you : but I know bim,and N. I. It's improbable that C.hrift's difciples thought that hss Soul lìnned in another body. keep his laying. and Chat not reprove them. 2. "ihe Difcip:es 54. It is not my own teftimony that I plead knew that .Aden;s fir, and our Original with you, it is my Father chat honoureth me, gravity, or our Parents (is, might be'punífiied whom you fhnuldbelieve, becàufe you call him with as great a punithment as blindnefs But your God. But indeed you know him not, and they teemed to think that fo miferable apunifh- therefore undee Land riot his teßimony; But I meat muft be forforce extraordinary tin, which know him, and fhould I deny his wimed, and Chrift denieth. fay, [knowhimnot, Ifhouldhea Liar like you: 3. Jefus anfwered, Neither. bath But Iknow him and his word, and keep it. 56. YourfàtherAbraham rejoy- this man finned, nor his parent;;: and was glad. made mantfe[L in him. s6. Your Father.Abraham joyfully believed 3 N. Chrift meant not to deny, t. That he thepromifeof theMiab, and foby Faithfore- had Original f:n.a. Or his l'arcntshad a6tuelfin. faw my coming, and Was glad, Nor that thefe were a caufe of his punithmear. $9.Then laid the Jews unto him, 4' But h was none ofthefethat was the diflè- reneing eaufe why this man was punithed rather Thou art not yet fifty years old, and than tithes s. q. d. Though all puma n ent be for haft thou feen Abraham ? fin, and this man's had filch a common eau re. s7 Theyunderfhand ngall carnally, thought yet no tin was the reafou why he was lingl:d out for this fufferin : But God defigncd it far Chrif} fpake like a diftratied Fanatick. g 58. Jefus laid unto them, Verily an advantage to glorifie in the ,marismira- culous cure. verily fay unto you, Before Abra- 4. I muff work theworksofhim hamwas, I am. .that lent me, while it is day : the 58. I tell you that before .Abrahans's days, night cometh when no man can (as I was from Eternity, fo) in time I was the promifcdMfah inwáom,iibrabam inhis days work. believed : I am not foyoung as you imagine. 4 God in this man giveth me an opportunity 59 Then took they up (tones to to do the Work for which he hath font me, for raft at him: but Jefus hid himfelf the feeling of the Gofpel and convin ing thè J Wo Id: And I will rake the opportunity, for2 and went out of the temple, going than fhortly be gone hence. And hereby I give through themidit of them, and to you warning to work while you have day ; for gaffed by. the night is at hand, when you fhall on earth 59. At thife words they took him for aBlaf- have time to work no more ; therefore take your prefent time. pphemer, and attempted to Crone him to death: As long as I am in the world Bin he tome way hid himfelf, and wear out 5 $ from among them. I am the light ofthe world. N. That the laftpart ofthis Merle, isofuncer- 5.Pod'w. ho made me the light of the World, tain authority,beingnot in Come ancientÇopief. will have me thine to is While I am here. CHAP. IX. 6. When he had thus fpoken, he fpat on the ground, and made clay 1. as Yefìts paffed by, he faw ofthe fpittle, and he anointed the a manwhich was blind from eyes of the blind man with the clay, Iii birth. z. And his difciples asked 7. And laid unto him, Go wadi in him, raying, Mafter, who did fin, the pool of Siloam (which is by in- this'man?or his parents, that he was tei'pretation,Sent.)He went his way born blind? therefore, and washed, and came a. Wash for anyforefeen fin thathe would feting. finteóf his arents? Or, Igisèommonifsillid 6, 7. N. This dirtymeans was no more that all puniflimenc is for fin: How could that no means, as to the fùdficiercy cfChriftscorn be in this man? Notforhit own fu, fir he had manding power ; 'but he will have us ufe the none befrdes his original fn : not for his unGkeliett meals, that we may be h t receivers. 8. The neighbours therefore and Parents s Fir Godpunilheth not one for ant- $ , fin. What then it Ihr? they which before hadfeenhim,thai 3 he ced ro fée my day . and he laist, hilt that the worksof God shouldbe