Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 9: The blind St. John. reflared tofight. ch. 9 asked them, faying, Is thisyour fon, who ye fay was born blind ? how then doth he now fee ? zo. His pa- rents anfwered them, and faid, We know that this is our fon, and that he was born blind : zr. But bywhat means he now feeth, we know not t or who hath opened his eyes we know not : he is of age, ask him, he (hall fpeak for himfelf. zz. There words fpake his parents, becaufe they feared the Jews : for the Jews hadagreed already, thatifany man did confefs that he was Chrift, he fhould be put out ofthe fynagogue. z3. Therefore faid hisparents,He is ofAge, ask him. r8, ¢rc. N. r. Unjult Judges refolve firt' what todo, and enquire after. a. Though ex,. communication he God'sOrdinance, theDevil oft ofth it by wicked men, againít the juif that own Chrift andthe Truth, hadreceived his fight. He laid unto 24 Then again called they the o them, He put clay upon mine eyes, man that was blind, and faid unt we and I wafhed and do fee. t 6. There- him, Give God the praife : fore faid Tome of the Pharifecs,This know that this man is a (inner. z4. They faid, Afcribe thy cure to God, but man isnot of God, becaufe he keep- c', ink never thebettée ofthis man; forwe know ethnotthefabbath-day. Others laid, byhis breaking theSabbath that heisabad mani How can a man that is it firmer, do N. Wicked perfecutors that fpeak againft God's fervants, darenot direúly [peak againtt firth miracles ? And there was a God, but pretend t'Ile give himhis praife, whilé divifion among them. theyperfecute his rvants: o. &c. N. I. They fielt attempted to dif- 25. He anfwered and faid, Whe- prove the matter offa&, and when they could ther he be a (inner or no, I know not do that,thaaypretended God'sLaw to prove him a had man, and confequently that it was not : one thing I know, that where net by God that he did his Miracles; 2. They as I was blind, now Ifee. that will try theSpirits and Miracles by the 25. Thoughyou fay you know him to bea Scripture,muft rot mifunderftand the Scripture. Sinner, I knowit not, nor am bound to believe r 7. They fayuuto the blind man You: But I well knowthat hehath cured me of again, What fayeft thou of him, mybindtaer, that he bath opened thine eyes ? z6. Then faid theyto him again; He faid, He is a prophet. What did he to thee ? how opened 17.N. The benefit prepareca theman to judge he thine eyes .? 27. He anfwered better tlIantì ey It is a double fin ifthofeMould them, I have told you already, and judge ill of Chu fe who have beendelivered by ye did not hear : wherefore would 18. But the Jews did not believe ye bear it again ? will yealto be his concerning him, that he had been difciples ? 28. Then they reviled blind, and receivedhis fight, until him, andfaid, Thou art his difciple; they called the parents of him that butwe are Mofes'sdifcipl es. z9. We had received his fight. 1 ç. And they knew that pcd fpake unto Mofcs he was blind, faid, Is not this he that fat and begged ? 9. Some faid, This is he : others faid, He is like him : but he faid, I am he. 8 They wereBruck with admiration,andhad much ado to believe that he was the fame man, till hehimfelftold them that hewas the man. r o. Therefore faid they unto him, Howwere thine eyes opened ? r r . Heanfwered and faid; Aman that is called Jefus, made clay, and a- nointed mine eyes,andbald unto me, Go ro the pool ofSiloam,and wafh : and I went and wafhed, and I re- ceived fight. r z. Then faid theyun- to him, Where is he? He faid, I knownot. 13. They brought to the Pharifees him that aforetime was blind. rç. And it was the fabbath- day when Jefus made the clay, and opened his eyes. 15. Then again the Pharifeesalfo asked him how he es