Ch. 9. The blind St. Job as -for this fellow, we know not from whence he is, 3 o. The man anfwered and laid unto them, Why, herein is a marvellous thing, that ye know not from whence he is, and yet he bath opened mine eyes. 3r. Now we know that God hear- eth not(inners : but ifany man be a worshipper ofGod, and doeth his will, himhe heareth. 27. Sure you do it not becaufe you would be his difcpies. 28. They took it for areproa_h to be Chrilt's Disciples. 3o. You are ftrangely ignorant that know not whence a man is, that loth fuch Miracles : Region and common con- febt tell us, that God heareth not the prayers pfwicked m'n, fo far as to figgniñe his appro- bation of them; but rejeð them: But it is Godly worfhïppers ofhim, and them that e. bey .his will, that the heareth and approveth. (This none that owneth a God dare deny.) 3, . Since theworld began was it not heard that anyman opened the eyes of one that was born blind. 33. If this man were not of God, he could donothing. 32. Never man did this before (much leCs by human power). He could never do it but i y God's power and approbation. 34. They anfwered and laid un- to him, Thou waft altogether born io fins, and dolt thou teach us And they cart him out. 34. N. Its the way of proud wicked men, to {Corti to learn, but toLord ir, andrevileand turn to violenceon pretence ofdifcililine,when they cannot anfwer with'reifon. 35. Jefus heard that they had cart him out; and when he had found him, he laidunto him,I3oft thou be- lieve on the Son of God ? 36. He answered and faid,Who is he,Lord, that I might believe on him ? 3s. N. Christ receivetll chile whom false Church governours unjrifly end' out. 2, Chria taketh advartage-cf mens iniuries, to convert the porions injured. 3, The man was willing to believe, as loon as he could be initru &ed whom he should believe in. 37. And Jefus Paid unto him, Thou haft both Peen-him, and it is he thattalketh with thee. 38. And he Paid, Lórd I believe. And he Worshippedhim. n reftored to fight.' Ch. 9 37, 35. He believod and bowed, or 'fell down to him. , 39 And Jesus laid, Forjudgment I am come into this world ; that they which fee not, might fee; and that they which fee, might be made blind. 39. It is port r fmy judicial office in this World; toopen the eyesofmany that arenow ignorant andblind in lin, and to giveup many to their wilfulbliudnefs, whothink thrmfelves the wifeft meo,but retift the light ofCaving truth. 40. And some of the Pharisees which were with him, heard thefe wàrds, and Paid unto him, Are we blind alto ? 40. N Proud men (especially iî Rulers or Teachers ofothers) can't endure to b_ told of their ftn,efpeciallyoftheir ignorance and error. 4r. Jefus Paid unto them, If ye were blind, ye fhouldhaveno fin`: but now ye fay, We fee; therefore your fin rernaineth. 4; Ifyour ignorancewere, as blindness ís; a neceflary natural disease, you would not be voluntary in your error and guilt of fin : Or, ifyou knew your felyes to be ignorant ander- roneous, you would lean and be cured : But your err ,r being wilful, and you conceitedof your knowledge, you are guilty and anexos- fable, and Celled in your fin. CIÏAP. X. VErily verily I fay unto yon, He that enured; not by the door in- to the sheepfold, but climbeth up fome other way, the fame isa thief and a robber: a. But he that entreth in by the door, is the fhepile-rd of the (beep. I, I fly ro you whohavecuff out this man for belieuinv, in me, you take upon you to be the true guides of rho people, and you look for the hfuf h a ;reel-le toyour minds : But God's teftimony and miflionis the door to the M ah and the Mefgh is the great fh:pherd and the door to the inferior Paltors and the Hocks: He that entereth any o her way. climb-th in as a thief: But the true Shepherd (principal and Min aerial) cometh in by the door. a. To him the porter openeth g and the sheep hear his voice : and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out. g3 :.. To