Ch. I o. Chrifi is the Door. St. John. The good fhepherd. Ch. Io: 3 To rho Mef rtA GodWill open the door, then nor follow them. I am the true Chriß and to Sub-Paßurs, they that by offce are and Head ofthe Church : They that believe door -keepers to the Church. mull ^_pen it, as in nit: and firllow me, fall as my Iheep befafe tomen fear of God : AndGod's Spirit teach. and plentifully fed. et Chrißianstoknow the voice of Chriß, and n o. The thief cometh not, but tender himof thole that (peak Ws. Word : And for to fret) and to kill, and to de- , as 11tpherds there regarded every sheep di- t Rinf$y,'at d called them by feveral names (troy : I am come that they might (as Plowmen n tw do their oxen), and did have life, and that they might have hot drive them with Clubs like Swine, but go it more abundantly. before them andcall than to their Paßure y ro. Falfe Chrißs and Elite Prophets have name, fo Both Lhrift and true Paßors now know every member oftheir Flecks ; and lead but fought and reduced the people them by nameas willing followers to their to deßruótion of Soul and Body: Iam come own Salvation, and not drive men into the. togive men fpiritual and eternal Life, and to Church orH aven againß th. it wills. ratlè them higher in Light, Life and Love, 4. And when he putteth forth thanwas ouchfafed to the Church before my his own .fheep, he goeth before I I. I am the good fhepherd: the them, and the fheep follow him t good fhepherd giveth his life for for they know his voice. , the Sheep. 4. And as the Steep ufingto find that their 1 ri As he that keeps the Steep, notas. an Shepherd burteth them not,butfeederhthemand hireling, but as his own, will venture himfelf bringeth them to pafture, therefore follow him to defend them from Thieves and Wolves : Co willir gly as one that loveth them and is for will I laydown my life for my Sleep. their good ; fo do drift'sSheep believe that li that is But he an hire ng; lovsvh them and is their Saviour, and there- r a. gs fore follow him and knowhis voice. and not the fhepherd, whofe own 5. And a firanger will they not the fheep are nor, feeth the wolf follow, but will flee from him: for coming, and leaveth the fheep, and they know not the voice of ftran- fleeth ; and the wolfcatcheth them, gets. and fcattereth the fheep. 13. The s. And as Sheep (like our Dogs) have no hireling fleeth,becaufe he is anhire- filch confidcnce in a Stranger, but fly from him ling andGareth not for the fheep. in fear, fo will true Chriftians do from falle I2 t 3. He that feeketh his own worldlym C'hrifer and from falle Paßors, for their voice tereß by deceit, will Dillfor himfelf, andfor is (barge to them, and contrary to the new y Future that is in them, and to their mod, that interdit expofe the people to deßru&ion, 6. This parable fpaké Jeíus unto alonot Ceeking their Salvation but his van :. them : but they underftood not g 14. 1 am the good fhepherd,and what things they were which he know my fheep, and am known of fpake unto them. 7. Then faid Je mine. Ins unto them again, Verily verily 14.1 knowmine own, their perlons, their I fay unto you, I am the door of hearts and all their concerns; with the love the Thee . 8. All that ever came be- and care ofa good Shepherd :And my grace p oath taught them to knowme and my Word. fore me, are thieves and robbers ; 15. As the Father knoweth me, but the Sheep did not hear them. even fo know I the Father : and I 9. Iam the door : by me if any lay down my life for the theep. man enter in, he (hall be faved, and . (hall go in and our,apd find pafture. 15. As my Father knoweth me withLover As t Father's ,andn andW irnefs is and I know the Father, 1h with a fpecial Love I thedoor ivy I enter, fo I being hereby lay salvation. my Life for their Redemption and made the Shepherd of the Flock, am the door by which all others, I (tors and Flocks mutt 16. And other fheep I have; garter. All that before me pretended to be which are not of this fold: the Clutch, were but Thieves and Robbers, and glib I muft bring, and they Shall the chofep flock of God did not believe in hear