s o: : The hireling: St. John; Chri/i's jheep: CE s; hear my voice ; and there fhall be dolt thou make us to doubt ? If one fold, and one thepherd. thou be the Chrift, tell us plainly. 24. Put eu out of doubt. 2,5. Jefus anfwered them, I told you, and ye believed not : the works that I do in my Father's name, they bear wirnefs ofme. 25. Why ask you me to tell you. who be lieve ire nor ?.:My Miracles done in the Name and by the Power ofGod, are a more làtisfying teftimony than my words. 26. But ye believenot; becaufe ye are not of my 'beep, as I Paid unto you. 27. MyCheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. s 6, 27. But no wonder thatyou believe nót me for you are not mychofen flock, notque. lifted to believe: Were you my filet)) youw®uld underftand, believe, and obey my Word. 2$. And I give unto them eternal life,and they (hall never perifh, nei= ther fhall any pluck them out of my hand. 28: To my true flock,.? will give eternal Life, and they (hall never be condemned, loft orforfaken : Nor shall any powerprevail againft me, who will Cave them. z9. My Father which gave therm me, is greater then all and none is able to pluck them out of my Fa= ther's hand. 30. I and my Father are one. 29, 30. Godmy Father whet gave them tot to be Paved, is Almighty, and none can over- come him, and take them from his Paving love. And He andI being one, they areCafe with tire, ;I. Then the Jews tookup flatlet again to ftone him. 3z. Jefus at1 fwered them, Many good works have I (hewedyou from my Father;, for which of thofe works do yo (tone me ? 33. TheJews anfwered him, Paying, For a good work we ftone thee not ;, but for blafpheltty, and becaufe that thou, being a man, makeft thy fell God. 3 t. N. No good workcould fecure the t.o'cl ltimfelffrom therage ofignorant men not f tmi their ecctration. 34. Jefus anfwered them, Is is not written in your law, I faid,Yi 16. And betides the Jews, I have a chofeta people among the Gentiles : Them I muft call and gather to me and Jews andGentiles Shall be one Cath lids Church under me their only univerfal Head and Shepherd. 17. Therefore doth My Father Iove me, becaufe I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 17: N. I. It isnot unfit to affign caufes in man of God's Love. a. vet nothing real inGod is caufed by any Creature. 3. But as God's Love is ta4en for its Effeds, our qualifications are a receptive caufe or difpofition. 4. And fa a caufe extrinfical of the Relative dnominiti- on of God himfelf. So Chrift's confent to do the full work ofa Mediator, was the conditi- onof his peculiar- rewe., which is call'd the Fathers loving him four. 18 No man taketh it from me, but' lay it down of my felf I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father, is. N. t. Chrift foreknewhis Death and Re- furré&ìon : a. It was the Law of Mediation proper to him, that he Mould content fo to die, and then-rife and Reign as his reward. 19. There was a divifion there- fore again among the Jews for there fayings. 20. And many of them faid, He bath a devil, and is mad ;. whyhear ye him ? 1. Others faid, Thefe are not the words of him that hath adevil : Can a devil open the eyes of the blind ? 20. When they underftood not Chrift, they faid, The man is a diftraâed D4noniack: Why Rand you to hear him: But others were better convinced both by his Words and his Miracles. 22. And it was at Jerufalem the feaft of the dedication and ie was winter. 22.N. Chrift refufed not to be prefent at this folcmn Feaft, though appointed but by 2daccabewt fora thankful commemorationofthe repairin, ofthe Temple. 23. And Jefus walked in the temple 'in Solomon's porch. 24. Then came the Jews round about him, _and Paid unto him, How long