C1)- L©. Chrsg's;beep: St. John. Lazarus bis death. Ch. a Ii are gods ? 3.5, If he called them hair, whofe brother Lazarus was gods, unto whom the word ofGod lick). 3. Therefore his lifters fent came, and the fcripture cannot be unto him, faying, Lord, behold, he broken : 36. Say ye ofhim, whom whom thou loveft, is lick. the Father hath fi_ndtified, and feet N. t. It's a doubt whether B,thany be the into the world, Thou blafphemeft i naeofa n, r oly f ra& fit at ro gund where the To Town w was. o n o 2. It ai is t like o t this becaufe I faid,I am the SonofGod ? Mary is not the fame with MaryMagdalen. 34, 33, 36. Ifthey may be called God's that 3. It is a word ofcomf.rt in all troubles, ifwe are but Magiftrates, and men in dignity and can fay, It is on one that Chrift loveth. power, how can you fay, It is blafphemy for 4, When Jefus heard that, he faid, vie to lay, I am the Son of God, who am by This lìckncfs is not unto death, but the Father Cin&ified to the office of Mediator, and feet into the World thereunto ? for the glory of God, that the Sonof lv. That Chrift here by his pleading Ihr his God might be glorified thereby. right to his Title, only fiom his office, doth 4. God's end in this fickpefs ofLazarus, is not deny hisride as from eternal generation, not to remove him by death from this world, but only till them what they were then fit to but to prepare an advantage for the glorifying bear. of himfeifin me. 37. If I do not the works of my 5. Now Jefusivied Martha, and Father, believe me not. 38. But her lifter, and Lazarus. 6. When ifI do, though ye believe not me, he had heard therefore that hewas believe the works : that ye may lick, he abode two days {till in the know and believe that the Father is fante place where he was. 7. Then in me, and I in him. after that, faith he to his difciples, 37. IfI do not fuck works as certainly figni- Let us go into Judea again. fie God's atteflation, believe me not: But if t S, His love to them Inclined him to help do, believe what thole works do Curdy evi- them: yet he moved not that his advantage might he the greater, to thew his Leve and Power by railing the dead. n, We rnuftnot milinterpret God'sdelays. S. His difciples fay unto him; Mafter, the Jews of late fought to ftone thee.; and goeft thou thither again ? 9. Jefus anfwered, Are there not twelve hours in the day ? Íf a- ny man walk in the day, he (tum- blethnor, becaufe he feeth the light of thisworld. I O. But ifaman walk in the night, he ftumbleth, becaufe there is no light in him. 9. As a man thatwalketh in the twelve hours of day-light is kept from ftumbling by that light: So while my day of work continuethI ant fafe. i > . Thefe things faid he : and after that he faith unto them, Our friend Lazarus fleepeth ; but I go that I may awake him out of flee. 12. Then laidhis difciples, Lord, if hedeep, he (hall do well. 13. How- beit Jefus fpake of his death: but they thought that he had fpoken of taking dente, and then you will confels that God is in me and worketh themby me. and that I am In him and approved and a5ìed by him. 39. Therefore they fought again to take him : but he efcaped out of their hand, 4o. Andwent away a- gain beyond Jordan, into the place where John at firft baptized ; and there he abode. 4I. And many re- forted unto him, and faid, John did no miracle : but allthings that John fpake of this man, were true. 42. And many believed on him there. 39. iYe avoided their perfecution by flight: And in the W ildernefswhereyahn firft baptized, many believed on him, feeing all fulfilled by him, w: ich yohn had foretold ofhim. C H A P. XL Ow a certain man was lick, named Lazarus, of Betha- ny, the town of Mary and her filter Martha. 2. (It was that Mary which anointed the Lord with oint: ment, and wiped his feet with her