Ch. II: Lazxrtts's death. St. John: ./le it raj/a. Ch. 1 t; taking of reff in fleek. 14. Then laid Jclus unto themplainly_ Laza- rus,is dead. I S. And l am glad for your fakes, that I was not there (to the intent ye' may believe) nevet- thelefs, let us gounto him. 1g. Toraife him will more convince you, this it would have done meerly to cure him. 16. Then Paid Thomas, which is called Didymus, untohisfellow-di(- ciples, Let us alto go, that we may diewith him. 16. Whether Thomas fpalce this inmeer pafCr- on, [Let us die with grid') or as éxpeiing Chrift's death and theirs by the perfecuting Jews, is to us uncertain. 17. Then when Jefus came, he found that he had lien in the grave fotir days already.' 18. (Now Be- thany was nigh unto Jerufalem, a- bout fifteen furlóngs off): 19. And many of the Jews came to Martha and Mary, to comfort them con- cerning their brother. 18. N. A furlong is fix hundred foot. zo. Then Martha, afloon as the heard that Jefus was coming, went and met him : but Mary fat Rill in the houle. 21. Then laid Martha 'untoJefus, Lord, if thou hadit been here, my brother had not died: 22. But I know, that even now whatfoever thou wilt` ask of God, God will give it thee. 21, 22. N. She believed that Chrift could have prevented his death, and could yet mire him. 2. And that it molt be by prayer to God. 23. Jefus faith unto her, Thy bro- ther thaJl rife again. 24. Martha faith unto him, l know that he1ha11 rife again in the refurrec`tion at the .Daft day. 23. N. The Regtrreaion of the body was then believed as an undoubted truth. whofoever liveth and believeth in me, fhall never die Believelt thou this 2$. t am the principle and cauce of' Life and I.cCurreElion. Tr,e dead that believe in me shall beraifed: And the living that believe in me 1'11,01 live for ever, their Souls grit, and their Bodies afrer, raifed to bleflèdnefs. 27. She faith unto him, Yea, Lord: I believe that thou art the Chriff, the Son of God, which fhould come hito theworld. 27. yea, forI believe that thou artthe CluiI , and therefore haft power df life and death: z8. And when the had fo laid, flle went her way, and called Maryher filter fecrerly, faying, The Matter is come, and calleth for thee. 29. Affoon as the heard that, the arofp quickly, and came unto him. 30. Now Jefus was not yet come into the town, but was in that place where Martha met him. 3 r. The Jews then which were with her in the houfe, and comforted her, when they law Mary that therote up haffi- ly, and went our, followed her, laying, She goeth unto the grave) to weep there. 29. N Faith, Love, and NeceßityWill make zl1 hafte. 32. Then when Mary was come where Jefus was, and law him, the fell down at his feet, faying unto him, Lord, ifthouhadit been here, my brother had not died. 33. Whet, Jefus therefore law her weeping, and the Jews alloweeping which came with her, he groaned in the fpirir, and was troubled. 34. And Paid, Where have ye laid him ? They fay unto him, Lord, come and fee. 35. Jefus wept. 32, 3,3, N. Chrift wept in comnaff:on with 2,5. Jefus laid unto her, Iam the his fèrvants farrows : And he lovetlì us no lets refurreuftion, and the life :.lie that now, than when1te wept with mourners. believeth in me, though lie were 36. Then Paid the Jews, Behold dead, yet thallhe live,' 2.6. And howhe loved him, $6. Loft