Ch. r r: Lazarus raífed. St. John. Caiaphas prophefied. Ch. r r; ab. Love can exprefs it felf bygrief for the Chrift could not enable him, who revived him. hurt oftildewhom we love. ,4.5.Thenmanyofthe Jews which 37.And fomeof them Paid, Could came to Mary, and had feen the not this man which opened the eyes things which Jefusdid, believed on of the blind, have caufed that even him this man fhould not have died ? 38. 4S . This Miracle convinced many, (andWs Jefus therefore again groaning in thane that it convincednot all.) Wail-elf, corneal to the grave. It was 46. But fome of themwent their á rave, and a ftone lay upon it. ways to the Pharifees, andtold them 9. Jefus laid, Take ye away the what things Jefus had done. one. Martha, the filter ofhimthat t Snformai onaganfehhim to the Pharifees. bu . was dead, faith unto him, Lord, 47. Then gathered the chief by this time heftinketh r for he bath priefts and the Pharifees a counsel, been dead four days. and Paid, What dowe? for this man gg. N Howvile a thing will lets than four many miracles. 48. If we let days thew the bodyofman to be? Is prideand y 4 vain pampering fitfor fuck a body ? him thus alone, all men will believe 40. Jefus faith unto her, Said I on him r and the Romans (hall come not unto thee, that if thou wouldeft and take away both our place and believe, thoufhouldeft fee the glory nation. 49. And one of themnamed ofGod ? Caiaphas, being the high prieft that 4o. N The eff '&ofGod's power is his Glo- fame year, Paid unto them,Ye know ry'; and unbeliefhinders the ef£e& in us. nothingat all, 5 0. Nor confider that 41, Then they took away the it is expedient for us, thatone man none from the place where the dead was laid. And Jefus lift uphis eyes, could die for the people, and that and laid, Father, I thank thee that the whole nation perifh nor. The greaterChrift's Miracles were thou haft heardme. 42. And Iknew the more they thought they ought 'co deftroy that thou heareft me always : but him. becaufe the people would the more föllow besaufe of the people which ftand him: And Rill the wife? and better anyMiui- bby I laid it, that they may believe filerofChrift is, the more worldly¡ wickedmen y, > endeavour to deftroy them, becaufe the people that thou haft lent e. follow them, z: The tray ofgreat mens powé'r 41.4 a. He lookedup towardstleavenas the more thanGod's, -aufeth wicked Polititians to place of God's glory, the fpring and end of deftro the beft. 3. Butthereby they bring on earthlyhleflings: N. Chrift knew before that themf'1ves that very deftruetion which they God would do thisMiracle by him : bút begg'd thoughtto avoid, Itbyprayer to convince thehearers that it was 5 t. Andthis fpakehe notofhim. ffionis atlwapsr comfort, that clìrift's Yn- felt: but beinghigh prieft that year, 43.Andwhen hethushad fpoken he prop efieonthat fu not fhould die he cried witha loud voice, Lazarus, 52. forth.44.And hethat was dead nation only; but that allo he fhould same forth, bound hand and foot gather together in one, the children Stith grave-clothes and his facewas ofGód that were fcattered abroad., bound about with a napkin. Jefus st. And though he meant this of Paving them from the Romans thoughby injuftice, yet faith unto them, Loofe him," and he being Prieft that year (though by unlawful Jet him go, entrance by the Roman Power) God honoured 4.3, N. It was not the loud voice, but the the office fo far as to make him utter thofe inviable powr -r ih,trevived him: yet Chrift geords, whichihouldbeajuft Prophecyasmeant would Cult his voice thereto. a. It's vain to ask by God, though not by him : And flaould figni_ howcouldhe go when hisfeet were bound? As fie that Chrift's death Ihould tend to the con. if ;II fort of binding difabléd from riling, or verton an of the chofen people ofGod in all the