Ch. It 1. Counfeltakenagainft Iefus.St.John: MarlsOihtment.Ch. 1.1,. the Gentile world, Who thoUld thereby be made mandment, that if any man knew his Children, and one Church. where he were, he fhould thew it, 53. Then from that day forth, that they might take him: theytook counfel together for to put s7 N. r. Chriffs Minifters ufe God's órdi- him to death. nances to fave men, and the Devil's Clergy ufe" 53, Thegreateft Miracle and good Work of them for (hares, mifchief andmurder, 2. They Chrift fixed their reColution to Murder him. will not let the people be neuters between God 5.4. fetus therefore walked no and the devil; but force them to be informing more openly among the Jews ; but Perfecutors. Went thence untoa countrey near to C H A P. XII. the wildernefs, into a city calledE- phraitr, and there continued with I .ZHen Jefns, fxdays before the his difciples. 1 paffover, came to Bethany, 54. N Chrift yet fed from perfecution, and where Lazarus was which hadbeen fpent mot ofthe three years and a half of his dead,whom he railed from thedead., publick Miniftryamong remote poor people in 2, There they made hirfa a fupper Galilee or near the Wildernefs. N. sot. It's ftrange that Matthew, Mark, and and Martha ferved : but Lazarus Lake fayno hingof this great Miracle. was one of them that fat at the table ..,Inf. r. No one was to fayall : bat all toge. withhim. Cher to fay fuáicíent :. And ohn tells us, that r. N. T. Chrift wasnot againft feftivat enter- even all together, have Paid but little ofall that tainment. a. This isthe fame Hillarymention= Chrift laid anddid ì but only fo much as fhould ed, Luke io. Where you may fee more ofit, be enough toconvince unbelievers. Then took Mary pound of y. Where was Lazarus's foul he was 3 a P dead ? Ifin heaven, was it not a wrong to him ointment, offpikenard, very cooly, to come thence? And did he remember what and anointed the feet of Jelus, and he fawthere? and tell it toany ? If not, cloth wiped his feetwith her hair : and it not make for the fïeepy inaítivity of Souls P departed ? inf.Souls gonot toHeaven, by ne- the houle was filled with the odour celïitation, as a Bone defcendeth; but are die of the ointment. pofed ofby God as the Supream Governour; 3, r, t. It is not unlike that fuch an adiiorr thole that are fn. Heaven to Heaven, and chore was twice done, that is, by two feveral Mary's t thatferve Devils to the Devils; and chofe that and that this is not the famewall that Luke y, are not yet judg'd to either, but are to livepre- But yet it isvery hard to judge where this was fently again on earth (as Lazarus and others done: that it was thrice done is not probable raifed)are refereed by God accordingly, whe- And that it wasdone in thehoufeof Simon the Cher yet in thebody (as in a fwocn) or near it, Leper other Evangelifts notifie: yet here ía or whereGod pleated, and vouchfafed no other feemeth to have been done in Martha's own knowledge and memory than is meet for fach houle, compared with Luke id. It's moft like. as are to revive andlive yet on earth, ly to me that Simon and Martha dwelling if 5 5. And the Jews pafïbver was thefame Village at Bethany, Fined their Purfes nigh at hand : and many went out and Labour, and feafted him inSimon's houfe ofthe countrey up to Jerufalem be- where this anointingwas : But that e wee allo entertained at Martha and Mary's honk,' fore the paflover, to purifie them- wherethat was done,whichìsrecorded,Lnkeso. felves. 4. Then faith oneof hisdifciples, s s. Thelegally unclean werenet to celebrate Judas Ifcarior, Simons fon, which the raflover. fhould. betray him, 5. Why was nor 56. Then fought they for Jefus, this ointment fold for three hundred and fpake among themfelves,as they flood in thetemple," What think ye, pence, and given to the poor 4, 5 N That as Piety is oft la, etendedbyIty that he will not come to the feaft ? pocrites againft Charity, fo is Charity hire by' s6. For allwere bound to come to it, that Judas againft Piety: And there is no vvork to were not unavoidably hindered. good but may be optofedby very fairPretences. 5 7. Now both the chief priefts 6. This he laid, not that he cared and the Pharifees had given a corn- for the poor; butbecatafe he was a thief,.