Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. I z: drift ritieth St. John. to 7erul lem. Ch. I zò thief, and had the bag, and bare What was put therein. 6. paw being Perfe-bearer, falfly pretended a care ofthe poor, for his fLISa covetoufrefs. 7. Then laidJefus,Let her alone againft the day of my burying bath the kept this: 8. For the poor always ye have with you : but me ye have not always. j. This w. is i thegave lItait be as it werefbr my funeral embalming.; chat may be heft on filch an extraordinaryoccalion, which ordinarily is nor fo. You may alwaysgive to the poor. 9. Much peopleofthe J ews there- fore knew that he was there : and they came, not for Jefus fake only, but that they might fee Lazarus alto, whom he had railed from the dead. t o. But the chief prieíts confillted, that they might put Lazarusalto to death i i . Becaufe that by reafon of him many ofthe Jews went away, and believedon Jefius. 9. N. r. To beput todeath by fuch wicked Priefts and Rulers, is no difhanour or note of guilt in the fufferer. a. We fee here hovv much Dives was deceived, Luk IS. That thought his brethren would havebeen perfwaded by Lana. rut fent from the dead: It's like they would have indi&edhim for a ScandalumMagnarum, or put him to death again. I z.. On the next day, much peo- ple that were come to thefeaft,when they heard that Jefus was coming to Jerufalem, 13. Took branches of palm- trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hofanna, bleffed is the King of Ifraelthat cometh in the name of the Lord. 12,13. They honoured him by thisapplaud- ing fòlemnity, as the Mefab tent fromGodto be theKingofifrael. 14. And Jefus when he had found a young afs, fat thereon : as it is written, íí 5. Fear not, daughter ofSion behold, thy King cometh, fitting on an affe's colt. 14, Is. ThnsZarl1, 9. 9. vvae fulfilled. 16. Thefe things underftood not his difciples at the firft : but when Jefus was glorified, then remembred they that chefe things were written ofhim, and that theyhad done there things unto him. I. N. Many things are laid and done by Chrilt, which shall not be prefendy underftood, but in their feafon. 17. And the people therefore that was with him, when he called La- zarus out of his grave, and railed him from the dead, bare record. 1 8. For this caufe the peoplealto met him, for that they heard that he had done this miracle: t 8, xi. N. It was thepeople that had feed and heard of his railing Lazarus, that there met himas Ping with rd:tuna's. 9. The Pharifees therefore faid among themfelves, Perceive Ye howls ye prevail nothing ? behold', the world is gone after. him. 19, N. They thought their danger imminent, that thepeople would procI. im him King, and then the Romans would deftroy theirCountry asRebels; Or they could not trsft God to fave them from the Romans, though Miracles fhould have taught it them: 20. And there were certain Greeks among them, that came up to worfhipat thefeaft. 20. Thefe Greeks vvere not the Jews` of Á_ I candela that ufed the Greektongue, (elfe- vvhere called Greek) but the Profelytes of the Gares, who worshipped but as Catechumens did vvithChriftians. 2i. The fame came therefore td Philip, which was of Bethfaida of Galilee,_and defired him; laying, Sir, we would fee Jefus. 22. Philip cometh and telIethAndrew : and a- gain, Andrew and Philip told`Jefus, 23.And Jefus anfwered them,faytng, the hour is come, that the Son of man fhould be glorified. 24. Verily verilyI fayunto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it'bringeth forth much fruit. 21. When Greeks by the fame ofChrifts Mi. racles defired to fee him, be tellsthem, that in- deed thetime ofhisglory in the vvorld bymens believing on him, Wat at hand : but that he muf`diefiat, and then the Catholick Church Should begathered. A grainofwheat is faid to die, becaufe thedifli>lution and change maketh it no longer a grain ofWheat, but the feed of many new grains zip theStraw. ?5. lß