Ch. ii. C'larïft foretelleth 'St. John. his Death. Ch. tt: 25. He that loveth his life (hall lofe it : and he that hateth his life in this world, (hall keep it unto life eternal. aS. Andas it is with me it will be with you: He that fo overlovethhis life, as that he cannot forfake it for my fake and his Salvation, fhaH lofe it by keepingof it : And he that catteth it away as men do a hated thing, rather than de- ny me and fin, (hall live for ever. z6. If any man ferve me,let him followme ; and where I am, there (hail altomy fervant be : if anyman ferve me,himwill nryFatherhonour. 26. Ifany man will be a Chriftan, let him not hick to do and £offer as I do; but believe that he Mall fare no worfethan T, but if hedie, he that! be with me where I am : For my Fa- ther will honour thole that ferve nie. N. ì. Tobe a Chrifian, and to be one that ferveth Chrift, are all one. 2. Salvation is pro- tufted to all that ferve Chrift. 3. 'they that fervehim,thall hewithhimwhere heis: There- fore the Spirits ofthe juft madeperfedh are in Paradife, and Heaven; fur Chrift is there. This is our great comfOrt in life and at death: And we mutt then tiros think ofour godly departed friends, they are allwith Chrift. 2.7. Now is my foul troubled and what (hall Ifay ? Father, rave the from this hour : but for this caule came I unto this hour. 28, Father, glorifie thy name. Then came there avoice from heaven, faying, I have both glorified it, and will glorifie it again. 27, s 8.. 1 am a man, and my Soul is troubled at the forefight of my deathand offering, and nature inclineth me to fisy,Father,fave me from it : But t mart nottake up with that naturalde- fire ; for I came on purpofe thus to fufFer : Therefóre mychoice and prayer is,Father,glo- rifiethy Name: Then came; there a voice,&s. 29. The people therefore that flood by, and heard it, raid that it thundred: others faid,An angel fpake to him. 29. They heard the found, btít.underftood not the words. 30. Jefus anfwered and faid,This voice came not becaufe ofme, but for your fakes. 30. Now is the judgment of this world : now lhall the prince ofthis world be cat out, 32. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 33. (This he raid, fignifying what death he fhould die.) 6o. This voice though (poke totee, was for year couvú4ion, and not fur my fake only -: Foe now the time is at hand when the wickednefs of this world (hall he dctmaul and punifhed, and Satan the Prince ofthis would oft-out of his polfeflion by the gathering ofmy Church : And when I mn lifted up from the earth by Crucifixions hull be liftedup toHeaven in glo. Ty, and will by my Word and Spirit draw ma. ny Nations to me their Saviour: By being lift up, he meant his Crucifiltion as in order to his Refitrreedion and Afcentiorn' 34.The people anrwered him,We have heard out of the law,thatChrift abided/ for ever: and how fayefh thou, The Son of man mutt be lift up ? who is this Son of man ? 34. We have been taught that Chrift díetlt nor, but than have an everlafting Kingdom: who then is that Son ofmanthat thou fàyeftmuff. be lift up? 35. Then Jefus Paid unto them; Yet a little while is the light with you : walk while ye have the light, left darknefs come upon you: for he that walketh in darknefs, knoweth not whither he goeth. 36. Whileye have light, believe in the light, that ye may he the children of light There things fpake Jefusand depart.; ed,and did hide himfelf from them; 35, 36. Though Chrift abide for ever; he will notfor ever abide vifìble with you : It is but a little while that he who is the light will continue among you. Obey the Light While you have it, left darkncts furprize you: and he that walketh in darknefs knoweth not whitherhe goeth,norwhether he do w4ll or ill Before f be taken from you, believe in me, that ye may beilluminated, adopted, and enjoy the light. 37. But though he had done fo many miracles before them,yet they believed not on him : 38. That the raying of, Efaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he fpake, Lord,' who bath believed our report ? and. to whom bath the arm of the Lord been revealed ? 37. All his Miracles eauled them not to be; lieve ; and fo Iisiahs prophecie was fulfilled in than, b e, 39. There