Ch. 12,. Chrig the light St. 39. Therefore they could not be- lieve, becaufe that Efaias laid again, 40. Hebath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they fhould not feewith their eyes, nor underftand with their heart, and be converted, and I fhould heal them. 41 Thcfe things laid Efaias, when he raw his glory,and fpake ofhilt'. 39. And no wonder that they believed nor, fur it couldnot be ; it being foretold by If iah, that God would forfake them; which Ífaiah, forefeeing Chriß's day by infpiration, didmcan in that prophecie. N. To underftand this, r. We moildiß`. nguiih between a califd Neeef Pry, and a Neceffity of fonfequence in Order cfarguing. a, Benv, en men that have forfeited God's grace by rejeaion, and thofe that Grace is newly oácr'd to And fò, r¡God is not the efficient taufe ofany fm: 2.But he deferteth many that abate his Grace, and leaveth them to their blitidnefsand obftinacy. ;.And f r it,hc caufeththeir deßru&ion: 4.Ancf he oft foretelleththis. 5. And his prediction maketh the thing Foretold hypothetically ne- ceffary, ora certain confequenceinorderofar- guing ; it being impoflibie that God fhould lie. And fo all that is foreknown by God or mar will come to pal; when foreknowledge dotif not caste it, but prove ir. 6. And defected Souls have a moral impotency to repent, that is, an indifpoftion which nothing in their deprav- ednature will overcome. 4z. Neverthelefs,among the chief rulers allo many believed on him ; but becaufe of thePharifees they did not confers him, left they fhould be put out of the fynagogue. 43. For they loved the praife of men more than the praifc of God. 42. Many ofthe chiefRulers had a fecret be- lief, but not enough to make them openly own and confefs him, left they fhould be excommu- nicate and reproachr : For the love of their re- putation with men, did prevail in them againft their love ofGod's approbation. 44. Jefus cried,and faid, He that believeth on me, believeth on him that fent me. 45. And he that feeth me, feethhim that lent me. 44,, To believe in meis not to takemy own teftimony, but God's that fent me, and fo is ultimately, ro believe on him ; and it is God's power that you fee, when ye fee my works. 46, I am couac a light intothe John. of the World. Ch. 11. world, that whofoever believeth on me, fhould not abide in ddrknefs. 46. The world is in d'rknefs, and Í am rent to be their Light and Teacher to bring them our of it ; even from the darknefs ofAtheifm, HeatheniGus, Infidelity and unrighteoufnefs. 47. And if any man hear my words,and believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to judge the world,but to fave the world.48.He that rejedteth me, and receiveth not my words, bath one that judgetl3 him t the word that I have fpoken, the fame íhall judge him in the laft day. 47: It is not the wo, k that I came for into the world, toaccufe men as their enemyforru- jeé}ing my Word. The final rejarters ofit Will be condemned, but not lb much by my accufa Lion, as by the evidence of Truth and Divine Atteftation in the word which theyrejeâed. N. It is ultal in the Gofpel. fora comparative negation to be expreffed politively s as tl judge him not] that is, not ihiefly ; (Care not; La- bour not for the food that perifheth] that is, comparatively, let it be leaft and and laft. Ma- ny filch there are. 49 For I have not fpokenofmy felf; but theFather which Pent me, hegave me a commandment,what I füould fay andwhat I fhould fpeak. 5o. And I know that his command- ment is life everlafting c whatlöe- ver I fpeak therefore, even as the Father faid unto me, fo I fpeak. 49, so. Ir is not the meer word of me as a man, but God's Word fpoken by me by his command,which I have preached ; andhisWord is the caufe of, and guidetoeverlafting life. N. Chriß as man was under a peculiar Law ofmediation, proper to himfelf. CHAP. XIII. I.Ow before the feaft of the " paffover, when Jefus knew that his hour was come, that he fhould depart out of this worldunto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end. I. The foreknowledge ofhis approaching de. parture to the Father, caufed himitt this fpeci- al manner to thewhís love to his dífciples. 2._ß,l