Ch. I 71íe Difiples St. John feet wáJiied. Ch. 13. 2. And fupper being ended, (the vows; if to man, it giveth them right to what devil having nowput into the heart we promife. There bind ua as fr as we had power to make thenl,and ifvie had fuch power, df Judas Ifcariot,Silnon sfon,tobe- and it be about lawful things we may not break tray him.) them ; withouthis confentto wh. m th 11" 2. N Sid is theóff-flaring ofa wickedheart was made, or fume onethat hash full power o- and rh devil together. ver him in that concern. 3. Jefus knowing that the Father 3. There isa Poll euution, or rather, a bare utterarce ofaman's refolutidn, M (This or that had given all things into hi hands, twill do, orgies, &ç.] Thiseverin all ratio- and that he *as come fromGod, nal men fuppolèth many conditions, As [ifGod ánd went toGod; 4. Herifeth from will] [ifIlive and be able] [If the change of things alter not my ca&] [ff I find not my Rea- f hipper, and laid afide his garments, foci miftaken, ar.] No Chriftian may be fup- ánd took atoweland girded himfelf. Soled to fay tr wal do thiswhether God willor .5. After that he poureth water into a not; whether I live or die ; whatever befal bafon, and or though Ifind that myäeafon is an et, o began to wafh the difci- cone As inall fuch cafes it is a duty tochange a pies feet,alíd to wipe themWith the refolutiou, fo it is a duty togo againft that towel wherewith he Was girded. word by which weexprethour Refolurion: to 3. J fns knowing that he was prcfnrly to changemind, word and work for the better, is take pofI'efdon .,fhis üniverfal dominion, and aduty. So Peter clot here. return to God, from whotti he tame, did hum- I o. Jefas faithunto him,He that late himfelì'ro this workofLOVEands' Erurkw, is wafhed,neederh not,fave to wafh foran example to them; He rifeth Rem Sup- per, en: he feet,but is clean everywhit : and e N. What ii meant by Chritt's coming from ye are clean, butnot all. I I. Forhe God, is beIrre opened: knew whothotildbetráyhim; there- 6. Then cometh he to SimonPo:- fore Paid he, Ye are not all clean. ter : and Peter faith unto him3Lord, ad, a z: The waffling ofthe f:et only maybe doff thou wafh li y feet ? 7. Jefas as fufficient a ceremony to fignifie your clean- fng; as if I had wathtyou all over. I have_ anfwered and fain unto. him, What done this according to the cnftom ofthis Coun -_ Ido, thou knoweft not now; but trey';' where with going bare-leer!, the feet thou (halt know hereafter. gather dull; to thew you that as you have 6, 7. N. k. We mutt no refufeGod'sMèrcies needof daily cleanfing from the pollution that pn pretence ofhumility or unworthinefs: aWe you are liable to gather from this world, fo I atn, mutt obediently fubmit to thole commands and he' that condefcend totleanfe youfrom ir, 6. dealings of God, the reafon ofwhich Wecan- 12. So after he had waffled their" not. yet tmderftand; bemufeit is God's will,and feet; and had taken his garments; we !hall undetltand them hereafser, arid Was let down again,he laid un.; 8.Peter faith tantohim,Thou (halt to them,Knowye what I have done 'never wafh my feet. Jefus anfwered toyou? t 3. Ye call me Mafter,and him; If I wafh thee not, thou,haft Lord and ye lay well forfo Ì no part withme. 9. Simon Peter am. z 4.IfI thenyottr Lord and. Ma,- faith unto him, Lord; normy feet f{er have wafhed your feet ye alto bniy,but alto my hands and my head. might to wall one another's feet.I S. 8 9 N. r I P ítt C f It was rider to 'nn s ro ré Chrift t Forlhave ivenyou ataexanì le,thatt againR that which he underttood not. 2, ri g } P wafheth all that havepartin him from are guilt, ye fhouid do as I have done to you: and filth Of fin. 3. It's lawful and a duty to r a, r 3, t$, a s. Knowing whit pride endun changea purpofe taken up upon miftakes, and charitablenefs man's nature, is capable of; and to break that wordwhich did but exprefs fuch what mutt be the fpirit and life of my Mini- purpofe., There are three forts ofaffirming theta, I have given you this example to teach' words. a. .Äfrtion , laying, This or that it true, you to (hoop to the feet of the towel, to the oris not true : Toviolate thefe wilfully is Ly- towel cffices of Loveand Service. And nowif Frig; andinwitnefs-bearing, it isa heinousSin. you, oratiyof myMinifters flail eitherdilanio. We mutt äflett nothing brit truth; this by pride, and infttad of it domineer, and t. Promos t which ifmade to Grid; are *ieaace, Or pert-cote the weak;t or by fl th or eneharttablenefd