IL 1 3: Chrift foretelleth St. John. 7urias'sbetraying him. Ch..13: uncharitableners negledfuch Miniffrial Offices 2 z. They were troubled, and werethinking of Love, mytxanplefhallcondemn all filch. who this fhouldbe. I 6. Verily verily Ifay unto you, Z3 Now there was Ieningon Je- The fervant is not greater than his fus bofom,one of his difciples whom Lord, neither he that is lent greater Tefus loved. 24. Simon Peter there- then he that fent him. 17. If ye ore beckened to him,that he fhould know thefe things, happy are ye if ask who it !Maid beof whom he ye do them. fpake. 2,5. He then lying on Jefus 16, 17. Make notiightofwhat Ifay to you ; breaft,faith untohim,I.ord,who'sit?. and pretend not your fuperiority or Fpifcopal 23. yohn at the delire ofPeterasked him fe Power to excufe you firm.this Mtmfferial See- cretly, who it was. vice and condetccnfion to the loweft 3 you are n t greater than I that fend you ; you are but 26. Jefus anfwered, He it is to my (truants, and this is your fervice. If you whom I (hall give a fop,when I have not only know this but do it, you (hall be bief- dipped it. And when he had dipped fed in yyeur reward : But if you pretend learn- the he fop, gave it CO Judas Ifcarior, ingandknowledge,andnegle&,your J guilt andmiCery will be double. the f n of. Simon. 1-8. I fpeak not of you aIl,I knottuu 26. J.tùs told 3ehn fecretly, hishetowhom I whom -I-have chofen : but that thé' he did yisdas. fcripture piece ofBread dipped: Whisk may be fulfilled, He that 27.And afterthe fop,Satan entred eateth breadwith tne,hath lift up his into him. Then faid Jefus unto him, heel againft me. That thou doeft, do quickly. 18. I do not equal you by this fpeech : I 2S. As his hypocrifre and thievingand cove- know you all whom I have chofen to followme; toufnefs gave Satan power over him before; fo and I know that in oneof you that Scripture nowupon his obduratenefs afterall warnings,he will be flailed, He that meth bread, arc. had greaterpowtrto hurry h'm to the execution, 19.Now I tell you before it come, And Chrift byraying [what thou doffsdo quick- that whenit is-come to pafs,ye may ly] intimated to him that heknew hs mind. believe that am he. 28. Now no man at the table r9. I tell you bcfore,that when you fee that knew -for what intent he .fpakethis I know whatwill come topal, it mayeontirm unto him. your faith. 28. None of them (unlefs perhaps John) 20. Verily verily I fay untoyou, underttoodwhat he meant. He that receiveth whomfoever I 29. Forfome of them thought,be- fend, receiveth me: -and he that-re- caufe Judas had the bag, that Jefus ceiveth me, receiveth him that-fent had faid unto him, Buy thole things me. that we have need of againft the no. gut you that aremy faithful .Mefáeugers, feaft : or that he fhould give fome- tall not fail of lucre s, or of reward; I will thing to the poor. 30. He then hay- take the receivingof you and your metlìge as the receiving of my felt, and as the receiving ing received the fop, went imme- ofGod himfelfthat tent me. diately out: and is was night. 21. When Jefus had thus laid, he 29. Judas had the PurCe, and that occafio- he was troubled in fpirit, and teftifi nod their miftake. 30. N. This smntedìategoing out,. maketh Ica uncertain whether he received ed and faid,Verily verily I fay unto the Sacramenl partofthe Supper. you,thatone of you fhall betray rrie. 31.Therefore when he was gone 21. Then Jefus with a troubled mind, 01 a r )úR fenfeofthe Traitor's Sin and Mary, and out,Jefus faid,Ivow is theSon ofman his own approaching,fuffering. told them mure glorlfied,andGod is glorified inhim. ,plainly, that one ofthzmwouldbrtrayhim ro 32,.If God: be glorified in him,God death. hall alfo glorifie him in himfelf} 22.Then thedifciples looked one andfháli ftraightwayglorifie him. onanother, doubting of whotn.he .31t,s. Nówisthetiáte - athaucichatJiltall fpake. LS