Ch. t 3. Peter's denial foretold. St. John. The difciples comforted. Ch. I4, be glorified by nay Death and Refinreftion ; C H A P. XIV. and God hall be glorified in me: And hecaufe g. T Et not your heart be troubled : God is glorified in me, he willglorifie me fpee. L lily in my felt-, j e believe in God, believe 33 Little children, yet a little alto in me. 2. In my father's houle while I am with you. Ye (hall leek are many maniions; if it were not me : and as I laid unto the Jews, Jo, I would have told you : I go to Whither I go, Yecannot come; fo prepare aplace for you. now I lay unto you. r. Let not my departure trouble yourhearts: 33 gear Children, the time is now at hoe troff God and croft me with your Souls and when I muff depart from you, and you cannot Bodies. In my Fathers bide there are Roomse- now follow ne. Hough to receive all mine as well as me : slit were not fo, I would not have drawn you to 34. A new commandment I give hope for it in vain, but have toldyou the truth: unto you, That ye love one another ; Igo before you to prepare for your entertain - as I have loved you, that ye alf© meat. love one another. 3. And if Í go and prepare a place 34. And being to part from you, t leave for you, I will come again, and re- thiswith you as my loft and great command in Ceive you unto my fe1f, -that where I my Teftament, that you truly love one ano alp there ye may be a1,í0, abet; even as I haveloved you who lay down 3' Fear not that I Should leave you defoíate: my life for you By this fhall all men know I do not prepare a place for you in vain; but 3 5 will come again and rake you and all believers that ye are my difciples, if ye have to my felf as a glorified Society. le. Did noc love one to another. many otter Teats aflùre us of the Souls recep. 3S It is not barenames and words that make Lion toChri1 atour death, thiswould be fad to men my truedil` n but learning of me, and us, and makeus think hewould not take as to obeying me : And this is the great f and hituf Iftfl hisreturn to judgment. But it being Command which you muff learn as the Symbol the çotlfummadnucoftlheiwhole Church in ono ofmy religion and Church, by which all muft know final that E uare my di ipletreeven bytrue the ull therefore ffperfeaionrfor'theirtcomforrt.omife o$ p N. To hate, maligne, hurt and perfecute 4 And whither I go, ye know; Chri1's fervants, loth as truly prove men tobe and the way ye know. no Chriftiàns, as to deny the faith, how fair 4. Andyou are not utter Orangers to the God pretences foever may be their Cloak, and place thatI go to, or to the way. 36. Simon Peter faid unto him, S. Thomas faith unto himLord; Lord, whither goeft thou ? Jefus we know not whither thou goeft, anfwered him, Whither I go, thou and how can we know the way s canftnot followme now ; but thou 6. Jefus faith unto him, I am the limit follow me afterwards, way, andthe truth, and the life : no 36. Thou shalt go to the fame place in time, man cometh unto the Father but and the like way. 37. Peter Paid untoMITI, Lord, by tile. why cannot I follow thee now ? I S' 6, It is to the Father I am going: And think notcarnally of the place or Rate or way: will lay down my life for thy fake. tam your Way and Guide, and I am the Truth 38. Jefus anfwered him, Wilt thou fignified by all ceremonial Shadows; and I arn lay down thy life for myfaké? Ve- your life both efficiently, direaively and fl nally: you muff come to God as your end, by rily verily I fayunto thee, The cock me as theonly way, ifever youWill behappy. Shall not crow, till thou haft denied 7. Ifye had known me, ye should me thrice. have known my Father alto: and 38. As confident as thou arc of thy fidelity from henceforth ye knowhim, and I know hurt better than thou doff, and I know that beforeCocks crowing be pift, thou have teen IÍIin. wlft thrice deny thouknow'ëii the,' 7.'trou feemein mybodily pretence: But if you had knownme better inmy fpirítual Being; q s uod