Ch. a4. The Comforter St. John. promifed. Ch. 14: in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14. If ye than ask any thing inmy name, I will do it. 13. And you than find by experience in the anfwer of your Prayers, that I am in Godand a&uate you by his Povver; For whatever you ask in myname, which is fit to be asked and received, I vvill do it as the Mediator between the Pather and you, that the Fathermay he glo- rified in and by the office ofmy Mediation and Adminiftracion. When you find that asking in myname procurethyour defirt, yola may know that it is by me. 15. Ifye love me, keep my com- and in the works which I have done by my Father's power; you Would better have known myFather alto. But as you have feen him in me and my works, fo henceforth you Shall know himmore. 8. Philip faith unto him, Lord, thewus the Father,and it fufficethus. 8, Ifvve might but fee the Father, it would fatisfie us. N. Man in Lefh would fain live by fightas more fatisfyingto him than meer faith. 9. Jefus faith onto him, Have I been fo long time With you, and yet haft thounot known me, Philip? he that hath feen me, hath feen.theFa- ther; and how fayeft thou then, Shew us theFather ? i o. Believeft mandments. 16. And I will pray the thou notthat Iam in the Father, and Father, and he (hall give you ano- the Father in me ? the words that I Cher Comforter, that hemay abide fpeak unto you I fpeak not of my ,,rich you for ever ; t 7. Even the inme, he do>=th the works. cannot receive, becaufe It Teeth him 9. lo. God is inviftble; and to be feen only riot, neither knoweth him : but ye in his works; effe&s and appearances: And in know, him, for he dwelleth with what or whom canft thou cape& to fee him more apparently than in me? Have I been fo you, and (hall be in you., long with you,andhaft thounot feen and known 1 I, 16, 17. Ifyou dobut love me, andthew me? Ifthou haft feenme, thou haft feen the it by fincere keeping my commandments, I will notifying appearance ofthe Father? And what pray the Father, and-he ihalf give you the Holy other fight of the Father canft thou cape&? Be- Ghoft inan eminent peculiar manner, to be a Bereft thou not that God the Father isfò in me Paraclete, or an Agent and Advocate, and ln. and I in hini, as that heappeareth to the world terceffor barren me and you, pleading my by me? and (though his Greatnefs flame more Caufe with you and the World, and pleading. confpicuouly in Sun and Stars, Heaven and your CauCe inPrayer with me andmy Father; P`arth,yet) hisHolinefs ,Wifdom,and rulingWill, To vvhich end he :hall as a vital Principle, a-. and his faring Love to finful man thew them- bide vvithyou for ever. Even God's Spirit of felves molt inme, in the words that I fpeak and Truth, wha (hall teach you the Truth, andcon- the works that I do, which it is the Father that lute the lying Deceiver; The World cannot re: worketh inme. ceive him as an Illuminater and Comforter, be., I I. Believe me that I am in the caufe not knowing him, andbeing prepoffeffed with contrary malignant inclinations, it refift- Father; and the Father in met or eth him: But he bath in fame meafure taken elfebelieve me for the very works offefüon ofyou already,and ye knowand obey elf: but the Father that dwelleth. Spirit of truth, whom the world f ake I 2 Verily verily I fay unto him, and he dvvellethvvith you, and lhall be you, He that believer on rne, the 18. Iwilinot leave youcomfort- iv s that Ido Shall hedo alto and h in you,as lent by me, and as my Witnets. ork greater work then thefe Shall he dó ; lefs ; Iwill come to you. 18. Let not nay departure toomuch trouble becaufe I go unto my Father. von, Ivvillnot leave you as deftituteOrphans, t t. If youwill not believe my oven teftimo- fiat 1 vvillrifeand fee you and vvhenAfcended, ny, believe nie for my Works, that I am iothe 1 vvill come toyoubymy Spirit,and at bathcome Father and a&ed by him, andhe is inme, and tied take all the Churchunto my Glory. his Povver aðbyme. And this Povver limit Yet a little while, and the be fo tvanifefted, that Iwill enable thofe that believe in me, to dogreaterMiraclesthan Ihard world feeth me nomore': but ye fee done, when I afcend td my Father and fend me: becaufe I live, yelimit live alfo. lovVnmy Spirit on them,by whichyou :hallfee a 9. ThoughI lhatll fhortly depart out of the that Iwss a&ed by the powerof the Father. fight of this World, yet ye Shall fee me: For t I 3: And whatfoever ye fha,ll ask am yowl Head and Principle ofLife, and as l 2 glut,