Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 14.. The Comforter . St. John. promifed. Ch. -- 14.: Shall live with God inGlory, fofhall yedive by you. z6. But the Comforter, which Communication of Life from me. Note, Here is the holy Ghoft, whom theFather wehave fecurity for the Soul's Immortality and Heavenly felicity, ifchrift live, we ßtall live. will fend in my name,'he (hall teach 2o. At that day ye fliall know, You all things, and bring all things that I am inmy Father, and you in to your remembrance, whatfoever I me, and I in you. have faid unto you. 20. Inthat meafute that this Spirit of Life is 25, 26, I tell you all there things with my 'om me communicated' to you, ye shall i x- own Mouth, while I ant prefent with you: But perimentally find, that as 1 am in the Father they (hall be better undo flood, and take deeper and aft by his Power, fo-you are in me a&ed rooting inyour Memory and Affetions, bythe by my LoveandPower, and I in youthus ading work oftheParaclete, the Holy Ghoft; whom )mu by mySpirit. ' anyFather vvill fend in my Name, my Agent, 2 Advocateand W iineß ; he shall more full 1. He that bahmy command- y teach you all things, and bring all things that everI InCt7TS, and keeprh them, he it is laid, to your remembrance, that you may teach that loveth me : and he that loveth and record them to the World. me shall be loved of myFather, and 27. Peace I leave with you, my I will love trim, and willmanifeft peace I give unto you t not as the 'my Pelf to him. world giveth, give Lunto you. Let 2t. ThisHoly Spirit which I promife you, is notyour heart be troubled, neither the Sprit of Love: Andhe thatloveth andkeep- i tltheâfraid. -eth my Commandments, is he that truly loveth me: And (though with a Loveof benevolence 2 R And taking my farevvel of you, I do and beneficence I Love manyEnemies, to their not onlyvvifh, but give and Not you my Converfion,, yet) it is only they that thus Love Grace and Benediction: loch ate unef- me that 11;Ií be Covedofmy Father with Com fe&ual or the beginning peace in Sin as the World lácence and Felicitation. And I will delight, giveth ty Therefore letnot your heartsrbe troubled lalefs and glorifie them with my Love, and make my Oftidier known to them. or afraid at my departure, as if ye were de- 22.. Judas faith untohim, not If .rented. cariot,Lord,howisitthatthouwilt 2$ Yebaye heard how I laid manifeft thyPelfuntous and not un- unto you, I go away, and comea- the world ? Z3 Jefus anfwered pin would you. If loved laid, ye and laid unto him, ifamat-loveme, untod rejFath becaufe I rFa I he will keep my words : and my unto the Farber: for my Father is Father will love him, and we will greater 2 Ye haveheard with trouble my words, come unto him, and make our á that Igo avvay and come again to you. If ye bode with bhp.' a underft©od thi;aright, your Loveto me would 22, z 3. The manifeflation ofmy felt, is not make you rejoyce, becaufe as I told you, it is tobe byMonarchical outward pomp, which the my 'Father that I go to, and he is greater than World'expe&eth. but by' Spiritual Gifts and I, whom he bath made Mediator ; And the comforts; and Rewards; And none are prepa- pretence of his Glory is better than this bale red for thefe but theythat love me and keep vvku, d World. mywords: Thefe my Father will Love, andmy 29. find now I have told you,be- Father and I willcome tahim by the Spirit,and fore it come to pals, that when it is make our abode with him forever. come to pals, ye might believe, 24. He that loveth me not, keep- 29. I have f;retold ou of m y y departure, eth not my fayings; and the word andmy fending the Spirit, that vvhenïtscome which you hear, is not mine, but 'to pals, your Faith may be helped by remem- the Father's which Pent me. bring my Predictions. 44. Rut the World'that Loveth me not, keep. 30 ..Hereafter I will not talk eth not mywords : And it is the Father'sword, much with you: for the prince of and not mine only, vvhich they relo4i this world cometh, and bath nothing 25. Thefe things have I fpoken in me. Into you, being yet prefent with ;q. I that! not (peak much more toyou Q 3 fore he.