Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. I S. Grill the St. John: true Viñe: Ch. I5: fore my death s for theDevil the Princeof the 5. I am the vine,ye are the bran- World, and the Romifh and Jewi't Powers, his ches: He that abideth in me and I Agents,, are ready to execute what I came to fuller, but 'hall findin me no guilt ordeferá of in him,the famebringeth forth much fuf£erin . fruit : for without meye cando ho- 3I .But that the world may know thing. that I love the Father;and as the Fa- 5. Your infition and continuancein me,muft tfier gave m'e commandment, even make yòu fruitful ; for out ofme and without fo I do. Arife, let us go hence. my cotnmunicated.Spirit ofGrace, you can do g nothing that will Cave you. 31. But that.I may fhew to Mankind, that 6. If a man abide not in me,he is my Love to myFather, and my perfe&Obedi- rt ence to his Commands, are more powerful in cart forth a a brarich,and is wither- me than the love ofthis Life, i !hall willingly ed i and merger them, and caft fuff,r MrMan an undeterved curled death. A. them into the fir they are burned. rile,. and let usgo to the place where 1 know 6. He thatbringGrafted into mÿ Churchand yudas will come to apprehendme: me, and Apoftatizeth,fhall be damned. 9_oejg.Is this fpokenof the fincere, oroftheunfoundand CH A P. XV. Hypocrites? Ifof the ftneere, do they fa'1 a- way to Damnation ? Ifof others, would they I .IAm the true vine, and my Fa- not beburned or damned if they fhould perfe- ther is the husbandtítan. vere in their Hypocritical, dead Profeffion ? a.? am to y.0 like the Vine thatgiveth forth lnfm. Firft, Chrift tells us how we may judge her Vital juice f Men s life anddelight: And of them, We know them not to be Hypocrites myFather is as the Husbandman that plantah, till they falloff, and then we may difcern their owneth and difpofèth of the Vine and Fruir. mi(ery. Secondly, The Sincere that fhall never Note, Whether Chrift fpake this bef:re they fall quite away, hive need of Promifes, and role from Supper, or as they went by the wiy, Threamings, Hopes and Pears to be the means is uu-ertain. oftheir perfeverance ; forGod fulfillethhis de- 2.Everybranch inmethat beareth crees by means. Thirdly, Whether there be : and éver not an initial unconfirmeddegree ofGrace (like not fruit,he taketh away e y dam's) which may be loft, which elfe would branch that beareth fruit, liepurgeth Cove (though confirmed Grace be never totally it,that it may bring for:h more fruit, loft) is a Controverte fo ancientand among the 2. All that manifcft them!Ives Chriftians, wifc4andheftofinen,asthatitiéquirethgreat and are baptized and Grafted into my Church, modefty in the Deciders. are to me, as theBranches are to the Vine ,- as 7 If ye abide in me, and my to Covenant- infition. And every tech profiling words abidein you,yeThal! askwhat Chriltian that is notSiincerél fruitful and obe- yewill and it Ilia]] bedone unto you. diem, fhall be cut ófas a lsperllseus branch : y, Ifye abide me, andmy words abide And the fincere and fruitful, fhall be prtihed by lnftruftion, DU',ipline and CorreCbion, that Prarlhkally in you,you (hall be fo accepted with theymay beyet more fruiczioL God for'your Union with me, and Inter& in me, that for my fake all your juft requeflsfhall 3. Now ye are clean through the be granted: But this priviledge your fin May wordwhichI have fpoken unto you. interrupt. q.. Abide in me, and I in you. As the 8.Herein is my Father glorified, branch cannot bear fruit of it felf, that ye bear much fruit, fo thai! ye except it abide in the vine: nomore be my difcipies. can ye, except ye abide in me. s, It is ncr your barren Profeiï'ron, but your 3, q. You are now in Comemeafure cleanfed greater ßruitfidnefs in doing good, which is the and tau tiff 1 by my WordandGrace But to honouring ofGod who is theAuthorofRehr. t on and mutt prove you ro be my true Difciples. ye think that all yoar work is done, or all , our As the Farber hath loved ene, danger aver; it moatbe ftül your care to abide 9 in Me by continued Faith and Love, and that I fohave I lovedyou : continue ye In may abide in you bymy Spirit and Grace: For my love. as the branchcan bear no fruit ofit fell, but by y. As God the Father bath fer hit ecial venue communicated from the Stock,and there- Love on me, and feat e on hiswork, fo have fore muff abide in it; no morecan you, except i fet my fpecial Love on you, andchofen you 11:4141:41e in t#tg, 'fat my Serviçe: SO that yott'foifeit ï,öt my Pvp