T 5. Chrifl cotnmancth St. Love by f Making me, or being unfaithful in My Service. e o.Ifye keepmy commandments, ye fha11 abide in my love : even as I have kept my Father's command- ments, and abide in his love. au. The way to continue inmy Love, is to keep my Commandments for thus I abide in my Father's Lo e', evenh's Complacency in me as his Servant, by keeping his Comm andmenrs. 11. Thefe things have I fpoken unto you that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be fltll. en. My end in all thisCaunfel to you is but that I may Rill have joy in you: Fidelity and Fruitfulnels, and you may have £ulrefs of Joy in me, and in the Reward ofyour Fidelity. I Z. This is my commandment, That ye love oneanother, as I have loved you. i The rum ofmy Conimand and Doarine is Love ; even that in your entire Love to one another, and the Fruits and expreffìon of it, you imitate my Love to you. 13. Greater love hath no man then this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. a 3. Man's love ofFriendfhip bath no higher Expréíhon, darn laying dawn on s life for his Friends, 14. Ye aremy friends, if ye do whatfoever I command you. 14, I lay down my life for you, and that as for my beloved fiends who fhdl enjoy nay friendlyLove for ever,if you prove my friends indeed ; and that matbe byd sing whatfoever I command you, and not by bate words and boaßs of fPiendíh`p. 1 q, Henceforth I call you not fervants ; for the fervant knoweth not what his lord doeth : but 1have called.yent friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you. 15. Th>ugh you are my Servants, I have a higher samara call youby, even my Frknrls : For mcer Service fignilieth not that endeared in- timacy which í have OAwith you, Love and Friendship ishigher than meer Service andOhe. dience. I have made known to you the Myfte. ries ofGod,which lignifie nay Love and friend- 16. Ye have not chofen me,but I have chofen you, and ordained you, John. to love one another. Ch. t 5: that you fhould go andbring forth fruit,and that your fruit fhould re- main : that whatfoeverye fhall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. id. You did not firft begin in Love to and chufe me for your Saviour, but I began in Love of benevolence to you, and chofe you to banay Fri nds, the Obje&s ofmy Compla- cency; and ordained you to bemy Apoiles to çinvert the World, that you may fee the Ca eh:l.cle Church gathered, as the fettled fait of yoar Labours. And that whatever Power you ask ofGod, byMiracles or other Gi_fs to pro- mace your Labour, he may give it you. 17.Thefe things I command you,, that ye love one another. 17. 1 narration all this to you to enforce my laC and great Command, that ye love one ano- ther. NNre, Ala, how far are the Accufing,Slan- dering. Reviling, Backbiting and Petfecuting Teachers, Rulers and Seas, from rho Nature and I'ra&ice of this Love, which Chriftfo ve- hemently urgeth. I B.If the world hate you,yeknow that it hated me before it batedycu. 18. When you meet with Hatred from un- godly men, remember that I, that am the Son of God and never finned, was hated by them before you, and you do but follow me, and fairer for and with me. 19. If ye were ofthe world, the world would love his own : but be- caufe ye are not of theworld, but I have chofen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. 1 v. If you weremeer ungodly Worldlings or Infidels, the World would rot ha-e you far Gadlieefs or Faih, but love you fo being, like them. Bur they hate you f r that Chrifliau Excellency in which my chofen onesexcel them : And would you not be Better and Happier than they, though you be hated far it 20. Remember the word that I fail unto you, The fervant is not greater than the lord. If they have perfecutcd me, they will altoperfe- cute you : if they have kept my Paying, they will keep yours allo. 20. If you take me for your Lord indeed, remember that I have told you,that you arenot greater than I, . and to k for n., better triage of the World than I havefound : If they have Perfecured me, they. will Perfecute,you: And ifthe unbelieving part rep:*my Word, won. Q der