Ch. i5'. Chre comforteth St. John. bis Difiples. Ch. 16: der nor if they do foby yours, and if the cho_ for his Eminent fignal Gifts, from the Father, fen only do receive ir. even that Holy Spirit of Truth which proceed- 21. But all there things will they eth from the Father, he fhall bemy great pre. do unto you for my name'sfake,be- unsling Witnefsboth to you, andby you to the caute they know not him that fent Wortd> and f aufe belief. Y 27.And ye alfo fha11 bearwitnefs me. becaufe ye have beenwith me from 21. It is for my fake that thywill Perfecute you, becaufe they know not God, and hisTc. the beginning. moray ofme, 27. And you on whom this Spirit fhall come 22.Ií I had not come,and f oken down !hall by his operation be made my effe p anal Witneffes, of what 1 have laid and done; unto them,they had nothad fin : but and fuffeered, becaufe you have beenwith tee, now theyhave no cloke for their fin. as Eye and Far Witneffes from the beginning 22. IfI had not fpoken to them and confir. of my publick Miniftrationi med my Wordbymy Works, their fin had not been fo great, but had had excufe. (Note, Here C H A P. XVI. Dot hid Ilni a Pofitive is put for a Compara. i hirTiefe things have Ifpokenun- tive): Or if I had not come with fufficient evi- t0 Y Y ou, that e fhould not be dente, it had not been their fin not to believe me to be the Chrift: But now theirUnbelief offended. 2. They shall putyouout and Federation bath no pretence. of the fynagogues yea, the time 23. He that hateth me,hateth my conieth,that whofoever killeth you Father alfo. will think that heBothGod fervice. a 3. Thehatred that Is againft me, is conk- r, a. I foretel you what youtnuft expee,that quently againft God my Father, it being his when it cometh youmay not be fcandalizedand Word, Wo:ks andWitoefs which they reject. turned bads. They !hall cartyou byExcommui 24.If I had not done amongthem nicarion out of their Sacred and Civil Af%m_ the works which none 'other man blies, ass reproach : yta, they that kill you, did, they had not had fin but now mall do itas an acceptable offering, or fervice Y to God. Note, How little do theReligious pre. have they both feen, and hated both tenses ofPerfecutors deferve regard. me and my Father.. 3. And thefe things will they do 24. They had not been bound tobelieve me unto you, becaufe they have no to be the Chrift, if Ihad nor !hewed God's At known the Father, nor me. teftatien, fuch w rks asno manelfe can do, or if any one had done the like. Note, Yet it is a 3 Did they know the Father and me, they Ere inference ofthe Infidels, that therefore would 'do otherwife: Wilful Ignorance is the none are bound to take him for the Chrift, mules '' wl'ere he never came slid did filch works : For 4. But there things have I told E iftory may as infallibly tranfmit the noticeof you, that when the time (hall come; his Works, as Sight and Hearing couldreceive ye may remember that I told youof OM. them. And there things I`faid not word But might cometh fu pads, is unto you at the beginning, becaufe the be fulfilled that is Y 8+ written in their law, They hated I was with you.. ' ine without a caute. 4. Remember I foretold you all this which I raidnot from thebeginning,becaufe Iwas with 25. But the word written in Efui.3. 39. you toincourageyou, and, your time oftrial which in a largefenfe Is part of their Law, is was not come, and at hilt you could not fo well Thus fulfilled..:: . bear it.. .' 26. But when the Comforter is 5..But now Igomy way to him come, whom I will fend unto you that Pent me, and none ofyou asketh from the Father, even the Spiritof me,Whithcr goeft thou ? 6. But be- truth which proceedeth from the caufe I have fail thefe things unto father; he ihall.teftifie of me. you,forrow hath filled yoir heart.' 26. But wisest the. Holy Ghoft my Advocate s, 6. But now .I amgoing to him that feat and your Comforter is tent - down upon you, roe, and though it be on your bufinefs and for Whom idler my ätefurrc uion IWill fend toyou, your intereit, you ask me not whither and for