Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch: 16. Chrifi comforteth St. John. his Dijciples: Ch. 16. what Igo ? But forrow oppreffeth you to hear will guide you into all Truth (which you mutt fmy. departure. Preachand Recordfor the propagating and or 7:lveverthelefs,I tell you the truth, derfng myChùrch,. Preaching to the Gentiles, It isexpedient for you that I go a- fpeakbut that which sCofGod,andtthings tto way : for fIgonotaway,theCorn- come, and ehich'youare not yet fit to receiv forter will not come unto you but I4. He (hall glorifie me : for he ifI depart,I will fend him unto you. thall rcceice ofmine, and fhall Phew 7. Believe it. my departure is f r your benç- it unto you. p fit: For theHoly Ghoft whom I will then fend, 14 it is this Extraordinary gift of the Holy will be better to you than my bodily pretence Ghoft, which [hall be my great 'convincing on Earth. Wimefs in the World that [hall prove nie tote 8. And when he is come, he will the Saviour: For it is fruit[ me that be is Cent, reprove the worldoffin,audofrigh- and my Word that he fhall Teach you,whether teoufnefs,and of judgment : 9. Of it be Remembring or Expounding what I have already fpoken, or Teachingyou more by In- fin,becaufe they believe noton me ; (Oranin. what he faith and doth in and by 20.0f righteoufnefs,becaufe Igo to . you my cho(ìn Apoftles, hat I do by him & yo,, my Father,and ye fee me nomore ; 15. All things that the Father. 1.Of judgment,becaufe the prince hath, are mine ; therefore Paid IS of this world is judged. that he fha11 take of mine, andThal! . 8, o, ro, r F. Andit will be his work, elfe- fhew it unto you. etually to pleadmy caufe. And firft to convince 15. I fay he [hall of mine: For the the World oftheir fn in accufing, releiling and W ifdoni,Graceand Gifts that come from the Fa- murdering rte. in whom they thould have be- ther, come fromMe that which is his is mine 'kited, which hewill do by his Giftt :Miracles, and the Spirit is Cent by theFather and by me. and. inward, Operations: Ands Secondly, to .: 6.A. little while and ye fhall not convince themOf the Truth and Righteoufnefs ofmy Perron and UoQrine, and my Right to fee me ;and again,a little while and be the Headofthe Church, and theRighteoaf. ye (hall fee me, becaufe. Igo to the nefs of nay Government ofit'; Becaufe`I go in- Father. to Heaven to take fuller Pofïefüonofmy ['lenï- 16. As it is but a little while till I that am fòtency and Adminiftration, and by my Spirit now with you !hall depart from your fight, fo in you and on the Hearers, shall more effeCtu. it will be but a Short time till I Mall returnfi"otti allyconvince Menand gathermy Church, than Heaven to which I am, Afcending, or (au lottie I didwhile I was with you : And Thirdly,He expcynd it) rl flail be a littlewhite'dead,and a Iball convince them, that Gtdhash exalted me little wh le withyou after myRefurreetion.l tb the Power ofConqueringSatan anti his King. dom, and punifhing Rebellious Adverfarie, 17. Ther}'fáid%me ofhis dud- wheat they tiratI fee that bymySpirit the King, pies among themfelves,What is this dom ofSatan'falleth, andthe Powers that fer- that he faith untous, A little while ved him are partlyConverted, andpartly con- y and e (hall not fee me ; and again, founded and deftroyed, 22. I have yet many things to fay a little while and ye limit fee me : unto you, but ye cannot bear them and,. Becaufe go to the Father ? S. The faid therefore, What is now.' this that he faith,A little while ? we 12.1 have many things more to make known to you, whichyou are not yet prepared tore- cannot tell what he faith. I 9. Now cerve. Jefus knew that they were defirous 13. Howbeit, when he the Spirit to ask him, and faid unto them, Do of truth is come, hewill guide you ye enquire among your felvcs of intoall truth : for he [hall not fpeak that I faicl,A little whileand ye Ihalt ofhimfelf; but whatfoeverhethall not fee me: and again, a little hear, that Mall he fpeak e and he while' and ye fhall fee me ? will Ihewyou things to come. 17. 18. r9 jefas perceived idig they under- 13. But when the Holy Spirit of Truth is it°od him not, come uponyou, he will make you capable,and 20. Verily verily I fay untoyou, That