Ch, 16. Chrifi comforteth St. John: his Difeiples. Ch. 16. That ye 'hall weep and lament, but 26. At that day ye (hall ask in my the world fhall rejoyce : and ye name : and I fay not unto you, that (hall be forrowful, but your forrow I will pray the Father for you : (hall be turned into joy. 2 r. Awo- 27. For the Father himfelf loveth iñan when The is in travail, hath you, becaufe ye have lovedme,and forrow, becaufe her hour is come : have believed that I came out from but as loon as the is delivered of the God. child, the remembreth no more the 26, 27. You hall then put up all your Pray- anguifh, for joy that a man is born ers in my Name, which I would not have you fo to underftanl, as if the Father himfelf did into the world. a.z. And ye now not Love you,but muff bemoved to it by me: therefore have forrow : but I will I fay more than that I vvill fray for you ; Even fee you again, and your heart !hall that theFarber himfelf loveth you, becaufe ye rejoyce, and your joy no man ta- have loved me, and believed in me, etc. Note, Firft, i fay not chat IWil pray, is but Cheifts keth from you. ordinary ufe ofa Poj Live Phrafe fora Cempara. no. You limit have a time of Gaffering Sor- rive ; iris, I fay, not this only, but more. Se, row, while bad Men are triumphing over you condlyOur Love to Chrift aswell as our Faith and rejoycing; but your Sorrow fh dl be turned is called thecaufe why God lovethus. Thirdly, into joy, in the (enfe of myRefurrer}ion and But this [Becaufe7 figniherh no efficient ratite of theComforts ofthe Holy Ghoft, and the lino- any thing in God, but a Moral Qualification of cell of your labours, and your own Salvation the receiver, called a Material difpofitive recep.. Ás a Woman delivered hath joy in her Birth, rive Caufe. ihffead of the forrowsofher Travail. I my elf 28. I came forthfrom the Father, will again fee you, when I am Rifen, and fi- and am come into the world : a- Wally glorifie you : And then you flail have a gain, I leave world, and go to Joy which none can deceive youof; ordiminifh. > t > 23. And in that day ye shall ask the Father. at. Note, I have before ihevved that this treenothing e Verily verily I fay tin- comingfromtheFather, fìgnifieth nor anylocal to you, Whatfoever ye (hall ask the removal ofthe Deity, but its Conjunfive Qpe- Father in my name, he will give it ration on the humane Nature, and its mirdcu- lous Conception or Produftion. you. 24.Hithertohave ye asked no- thing inmyname: ask, andye thall 29. His difciples Paid unto him, receive that your joymay be full. Lo, now fpeakelt thou plainly, and 23, 24. You (hall not then learnby asking fpeakeft no proverb. 3o. Now are i to queftions, as now: But you !hall Petition the we lure that thou knoweft all things, Father in my mine, and he will give you what and needeft not that any man fhould you need, both for your own iuftrudion and ask thee: by this we believe that for your Miniftry.You have nothitherto under- flood and ufed my Ineerce(iion fo fully as you thou cameft forth from God. muff do hereafter, and have not ufed ro ask in 29, 3o. We now perceive that thou knovveft myName fo explicitely as you mutt do. But the ferrets ofour hearts, and what thoughts and hereafter you mutt ask in my Name so beheard doubts they were that troubled us; which thou for my Merits and fakeas your Intereeffbr, as haft nove plainly refolved: Therefore we be- thus by fervent Prayer; and fuller anfwers and lieve thou comeft from God. gifts Ihallcaule your fuller Joy. 31. Jefus anfwered them, Do ye 25. Theft things have I fpoken now believe? 32. Behold, the hour unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, yea, is now come, that ye comethwhen I (hall no more freak 'hall be scattered every man to his unto you in proverbs, but I í11a11 and thall leave me alone : and thew you plainly ofthe Father. et I ani not alone becaufe the fa- as. I have hitherto fpoken to you in Para- y i hies, letting in the light by Fisch degrees as you ther is with me. were fit to bear. But when I fend you the Ho- ll Ghoft, you (hall knowmore plainly the M - 3 t' hour M confidently you £peak, I tell y Y p Y Y you the is now at hand, in which you 'hall Aeries ofGod, everyman be afraid to ovvnme, and lall Ihifr far,