Eh. 17. Chri/h prayeth St. John. for his Di ciples. Ch. i 7, for your fetves, and fly to your Houres, and ginning of this knowledge is the beginning Ihall leave me forfakenof you all alone : Buts 2nd way to Perf.&tots. vvill nor call it t1 ne;-for the Father will not 4. I have glorified thee on the forsake me, earth : I have finilhed the work 33. rhefe things I have fpoken which thou gaveft me to do. tinto you, that in me ye might have 4. My Do&rine,Example and Miracles have peace. In the world ye !hall have here flowed forth thy GI ry , I am near the tribulation but be of good cheer, end and have ahno[t hniIli - -ct a at work on Earth for Man's Redemption, which i un. I have overcome theworld. dercook. 33 I have told you what is to heal you 5. And now, OFather, glorifie hereafter, that though you evil be grieved at my departure, you may fetch your Peace and thou nie with thine own felt, with Joy from the Afiùrance of vvhat i vvíll do for the glory which I had with theebe- you after my Refurrehtion. You Thal! have Tri- fore the world was. bulation to the flesh in theWorld: But let not 5, As I have almóft performed my part, per- that difìnáy you, but take comfort in me, who form thou thy part ofthe Covenant of my Me- have overcome the World, even its flattering diatinn ; and give nie, the Son of Man a due Tempiatious, and its malicious Irofecutions' participation of that Glory, whi h my Divine And my Vidhory is virtually yours, who shall o_ Nature had with thee from Eternity Nate, vercome by my Literceffion, Spirit andGraces, ThisText is by divers diveiflyExpounded. First, CHAP. XVII. Some fay that Chrift's human Soul was Glorifi. ed before the World was. Secondly, The Í. LÿHCfe words fpake Jesus ; and ria"' fay that e had a fuperangehical Nature 11 only before the World vas, which united it lift up his eyes toheaven,and (lfto a human Soul (fay force) or onlyanimated Paid, Father, the hour is come; a human Body, (fay others) Ti ¡idly, .0- ti thy Son, that thy on alto th rs oflate fay, he path three Natures untnug it felt to the Prime Created SuperapgelicalNa- may glorifie thee. tute; And this uniting it fclf ro a I'uman Soul I. This Prayer Chiist made to his Father, and Body (fay Tome) or to a human Body alone lifting -up his Eyes to Heaven, to teach us to (fay others, t Fourthly, but the plain Para_ look thither as theplace whence Godappeareth phrafe which I have given, is the Do&.ine of inGlory ; [Father, the hour of my death un- the Orthodox universal Church. dertaken for Mah's Redemption is at hard: 6. I have manifeíted thy name Glorifie thy Sonby thy Attestation and h s Re_ iurredion, that his Glory may he the Glory of unto the menwhich thou gaveft me thy power, Wisdom and Love to Man.) out of the world : thine they were, z. As thou haft given him power and thou gave(} themme; and they over all felh, that he fhould give e- have kept thy word. ternal life to as many as thou..haft 6 I have made known thee and thy Will, given him. to them what'll thou gaveft me out of the 2. As thou haft advancedhim to this Power, World, to he my peculiar Difciplrs: TheyWere to be the Owner and Lord of all flesh, f r. Di- thineas their Creator, and thou gaveft them me fpofáls, Legiflarion, Judgment and Execution, tobe their Redeemer, and [have taught them to order all things, fo as may fectire the Pof: thy word and they have kept it. PPinefs, to ail Now the have known that fefliön ofan Eternal Life of Ha 7 y that thou haft given him by eff.dal Decree to all things whatfoever thou haft gi- beceitainly eventually faced : All things being ven me, are of thee. for the good ofthine Ele&. 7.Theyhave known this Fundamentally,that 3. And this is life eternal, that Iand my Do&rine and Worksare all ofthee. they might know thee the only true 8. For I have given unto them God, and Jefus Chi'ift whom thou the words which thou gaveft me ; haft fent. and they have received them, acid g. And what is Life Eternal, but that per have known furely that I came out feEt knowledge of thee, which fills the Soul from thee, and they have believed c0ïth I.ov'éacid Joy, and the knowledge Of thy y Glory, Pining forth in thy Son Jefus Chrift with that thou didft fend me. fis Pudy the Heavenly Society. And ih: ine 8, Note that Chrilt ibfifteth fo much on thin, becaofe