c h. 5. Cbrift's Sermon St. Matthew. upon the Mount. Ch. f. thenceforth good for nothing, but 18. For verily I fay unto you, to be caft our, and to be trodden Till heaven and earth pafs, one under foot ofmen. jot, or one tittle ¡hall in no wife 13. The World is putrified with the cor- pafs from the Law, till all be ful- ruption of all fin ; and you That followme filled. molt be as fait to it, to recover it from this 18 I tell you, the Law is fo true, at be. corruption. But if you prove filthy andcor- ing God's own Word, that One letter or tit- ruptyour felves, what or who (hall be fait to you, for your recovery ? Corrupt profeffors tie of it fhall not be frußrate, or fail of its to th of Chriftianity are more miferable, hopelefs !hall be all fulfillede endóf the World, but and forlorn than Heathens. 19. Whofoever therefore , ¡hall r4. Ye are the light oftheworld. break one of thefe leaft command- Acity that is fet on a hill cannot ments, and ¡hall teach men fo be hid. e s. Neither do men light ¡hall be called the leafs in the kin he a candle and put it Under a bufhel, dom of : but whofking- but on a candleftick, and it giveth light unto all that are in the houfe. fhall do, and teach them, the ,fame r4, rs God hath honouredyou to be the flail be called great in the kingdom lights to a dark World : It is not therefore ofheaven. an obfcure and hidden fort of goodnefs that 19. Ifany fhall prefume to break the leaft befeemeth you. You are called out to be ofthefe Commands, becaufe it is a little one, confpicuous in the World, like a City on a and teach men fo to do, he fhall be vilified, Hill that cannot be hid; by your difference as he vilified God's Law, and not thoughtfit from them in Dottrine and Life : Men do for a place in the Kingdom of the meff;ah: not light a Candle to hide it, but to let it But he shall be there Greateß, that is molt up to bea light to the Houle ; and fo dòth watt in Doing and Teaching all the Law of God call you to be open Lights in Dottrine God. and Life. Nate, Are not thofe Preachers and Prelates 16. Let your light fo ¡line be-. then the Leag and bafeft, that preach and fore men, that they may fee your tread down ChriflianLove of all that diffent good works, and glorifie your Fa- from anyof their prefumptions,and Co preach they which is in Heaven. down not the Leaft , but the Great Com- mand ? r6. Note, That t. The good Works of 20. For I fay unto you, That Chritians are the due appointed means to except your righteoufnefs (hall ex- win others to the glorifying of God : and they that do not this are guiltyof perfidiouf. cased the righteoufnefs of the Scribes nefs toGod andMan, as dumb Minifters are and Pharifees, ye ¡hall in no cafe by omitting their Work. 2. Therefore our enter into the kingdom of hea- good Works muff not be Co few and final' as ven. to be undilcernable : They muft not bedone in hypocrifie toboleen ofmen for our praile : 2g. So far am I from preaching loofnefs, But they molt fine forthin finceriry to God's or favouring fin, that ,I tell you, tho the. pralle. 3. by good Worlu, is meant Hoti, Scribes and Pharilees pretend to the ftricteß nefs to God, Sobriety to our felves, and Ju- keeping of the Law; if you keep it not bet- Bice and Works of Love toothers. ter than they do, and be not a better and a r7. Think not that I am come more righteous fort, of men, you (hall in no to deílroy cafe enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. the L'aw or the Pro- Nse That befrdes Chriß's Righteoufnefs, phots : I am not come to deftroy, there is neceffary to all ( at Age) that will but to fulfil. be faved, a Righteoulnefs cpnfrßing in morg t 7. Takeme not for an Enemy to thei aw careful exa& obedience to God, than any . and the Prophets, as if I came to blame and formal Hypocrite hath. And this God's Spi- deftroy them. As to the Ceremonial parr, rit worketh them unto. ,t was but a Typifying predi&ion ofme, and 21. Ye have heard, that it was is to be fulfilled in me : and it is the honour laid by them of old time, Thou ofTypes and Proplrefies to be fulfilled. And ait not ki ¡h ll and whofoever ¡hall as to the naturalpart I own andeßabliflr it, kill anti am fo far from evacuating it , that I , ¡hall be in danger of the judg- d teach thefillet keeping ofit, me iíf