s Ch. 17. Chrifl prayeth St. J tiecauCe to believe that heand hisDotrine and Works are all of God, is virtually tobelieve, that they are all true, without (catchingafter e;,.y other Rtfon ofyours. For he is mad that beieveth not that there is a God, and he he- lieveth nota God, whobelieveth him not tobe peeve &,' and therefore to be Tuff, Good and True and not the Deceiver oftheWorld. 9. I pray for them : I pray not for the world, but for them which thou haft given me, for they. are thine. i o.,And all mine are thine, and thine are mine, and I am glo- rified in them. 9, to. It is out of fpec'al. Love to them for the Salvation and welf.:re of there, that t nowpray to thee, and not for the 1neer World. Bogs and Enemies ofthy King lom, (rh ,ugh for tilent allo I have fuch defires and Prayers as ft nifie my common Love; and the Ele& a- Thong them yet unconverted, I have fuch QQrrcht for, as areSited to their flare.) But th, fe that thou haft given me percmptcrily to Cave, are the People of thy peculiar Love as well as ,pine. And all that I fo love thou lovef# allo, and it is in them that I am oloi ified, and my IN don, Gffi..e and Grace is honoured, which ethers do but Swinilhly defpife. I I, And now I am no more in the world, but thefe are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy rather, keep through thine own name, thofe whom thou haft given me, that theymay be one, aswe are. 44 Apd now I am leaving theWorld, but ßtuftleave them in it to Tryzls and Perfecuti- .ons, while lamwith thee, And f-vein their U- ttion, by one Faith and Love, is their Cbaradfer, jtrength and rattly, without which they will fall into Scandal and Diffolution, O keep them 1?y Concenning in thee and thy Will (and not ejiffralited by humanDevicesand Interefts) that they may be one in Faith, Hope and Pra&ice, as we are one. 12. While I was with them in theworld, I kept them in thy name: thole that thou gaveft me I have kept, and none of them is loft, but the fon of perdition : that the feril. pttrre might be fullfiled. 72, All that thou gaveft to be my adherent followers, I have kept in thy Name, fave the Son ofPerdition, in wholeRevolt and Treache- ry the Scripture is fulfilled. 13. And nowcomeI to thee, and there things I fpeak in the world, aim. for his Dïf iples. Ch..17. that they might have my joy fulfil- ed in themfelves. 13. I come to thee, but I leave them my Word, to fortifie them with that joy which they Will peed in their Affli&ions. 14. I have given them thy word; and the world bathhated them, be- caufe they are not of the world, e- ven as I amnot ofthe world. 14. It is not all the World that will be laved by me, but a fete& People to whom I effe&u; ally give thy Word, and the World hateth them, bccaufetheir Do&rine, Mind and Life AS differ from the World, and they are ofanother Spirit and Society, ofwhich iam the Head. 15. I pray not that thou fhouldefl take them out of the world,but that thou Ihouldeft keep them from the evil. i 6. They are not of theworld, even as I am not ofthe world.' is; They have wok to do in the World, fromwhich I do not pray thou fhouldeft rake them, but that thou keep them pure from the Sins, Temptations and Malice of the World, as thofe that are feparated from it to obey theè, as I their Leader am, 17. Sanftfie them through thy truth : thy word is truth. 17. Q,ualifieand'feparate themby thy Truth; to propagate thy Truth, even thy Word which is trut8h. ' r `. As thou haft Pent me into the world, even fo have Ialfo fent them into the world. 18. As thou fenteft me for the work ofa Redeemer into thislinfut World, fo have I fent them, for theworkofApoftlefhip. 19. And for their fakes I fanétifie my fell, that they alto might be fans tified through thetruth. r9. For their fakes I become a Sacrifice of- fered to thee, that they may by my Dottrine, Example, and Spirit, he alto totallydevoted to Serve thee. 2,0. Neither pray I for thefe a- lone, but for them alfa which shall believe on me through their word : no. But it is not for them only that I pray; but for all that by their MinistryShall become true Chriftians. 21. That they all maybe one, as thou Father art in me, andI in thee; that they alto may be one in US : that theworld may believe that thou haft feet me. I . And