Ch. 17. Chrif prayeth St. john. for his Difiples. Ch. 17. at. And the funs of myPrayer for them is, kave .known thee, and thefe have That as I am £o united to thee, that what thou known that thou haft fen t ure fpeakeft [ fpeak, and who; thou Lovett i Lo "e, p Righteous Father, thatworld of Men and thy wórks are my Works, (and t by whom thouhaft Created,have not known thee, thee, fo theymay be one inus not in any but I that have known thee have declared ;lie uncapable Center of human invention and U- to them, and,thefe my Difcipleshaving known" furpati and may all fpeak the fame thing that thou haft fens me, have believedmy word they have heard from thee by me, and concerning thee. may Love what we Love, and do our work and not their .own: That by their concord in 26. And I have declared untó Faith, Cove and Practice the world may be them thy name; and will declare it' won to Chriftianity, and not fcandalized by that the love wherewith thou haft their Difcord and Fraaions, or by forfakirg the can Unity, and combining for worldly in- loved me, may be in them, and I ir} tereft on worldly terms them. 22. And the glory which thou rF: And I have by my Word and Work4 aveft me, I have given them . that made thee and thy will known to tient, and will do fo yet more ; that the Holy Spirit of they may be one; evenas weareone. Love with which thou haft filled me, may be 2rL And as thou haft glorified ime in the in them, and by that SpiritI maybe in them . World bÿ the Power ofworkingMiracles, and gathering Sinn( i`s hone to thee, I have glorifi- ed giv them b thorn the fame Power to CHAP. XVIII. ing work Miracles- and to call and Convert the I :TT71- en Jefus had fpoken theft weapons. :that theymay beone done thy foee Mind, words, he went forth With and do onework as t nave thywoik alone. difciples over the brook Cedron, 2 I in them, and thou in me, P that they may be ma e per e in r d h ld know, entred' andhis diCciples 2: And 3 his d f where wasagarden into the which one, an t e wor that thou haft fent me; and haft lo- Judas alto which betrayed him, iced them, as thou haft loved me. knew the place: for Jefus oft-tinieg 23:Thatwhile I work in them, by my w,rd reforted thither with his difciples'. and Spirit, as thou workeft in nie, they may r. This Sermon and Prayer being fpoken af; be perfe&ed into one concordant harmonious ter the Sacrament, Jefus went to the Gardeif Body, united in Faith and Love, that this Lu- where he knewheShould beapprehended :ú Pue of their Excellency and Concord may con= dos knew the place, beeaufe Chrift oft went vince the World; that thou halt fent me tó re- thither; fire. flare them that are fo much reltored, and that 3; Judas then having received_á thou loveft them as thy Redeemed San&ified band of men, and officers from the one. theirRedeemer. thou haft given me, bewith and as thou lovelt me he chief prkéfts and Pharifees, cometh 24. Father I will that they alto thither with lanterns and torches the where I am ; that .they may. be... 3, Note 'Judas was the Informer thatled the hold my glory whichthou haft given °Mcers (filch as Conftables.)"and the Chief me: for thou lovedft me before the Priefts and the Pharifees of their Party were foundationof theworld, they that (like Juftices) furnifhed them with 24. Father, as it was thy Covenant with hie CommiSTions and Armed men. ás my e ar R w d for Redemption it is now my 4. Jefus therefore knowing" all twill and delire, that all that thou gíveftme by things that thould come upon him, - Converfion as true Chriftians, to be Caved, may wentforth,and Paidunto themwhom be after death with me where I am. that they feekG ye They anfwered him, ;nay fee the Glory which thou giveft me, the k 5. fight ofwhich is part of their glorification: For Jefus of Nazareth. Jefus faith unto thou owe me a ore the oun atìon them, am' e. 1 Glory them 1 me. Note, Cbrift fled net when his hour WI's 25. 0, righteous ,Father, the comes s. What a hotly Heart had Judas all world hath not known thee ; but I this whit 1 dft b f F d i of the I he AndJudas altowhich World, and skill a tote betrayed him, food with t rem. by e. 6, Affoón