Ch. T 8. 7údas betrayed) St. John. Chhrift. Ch. t S. 6. Affoon then as he hadPaid un- the palace ofthe high prieft. 16.But to them, I am he, they went back- Peter flood at the door without. ward and fell to the ground. Then went oút that other difciple 6. Some of them went backward and fell. which was known unto the high Note, This Itopt not them or their Companions. prieft, and fpake unto her that kept Whom 7. k asked And they faid, again, the door, and brought in Peter. p Y Y , J 7 s. Note, It teems ac9uainrance made them fus of Nazareth. S. Jefus anfwercd, Bear with jchn, and yet pretended they kue I have told you that I am he. If lam not to be a D;Ccipk. therefore ye Peek me, let there go 17 Then faith the dam(el that their way. 9. That the layingmight kept the door, unto Peter, Art not be fulfilledwhich he fpake,Of them thou all() oneof this man's difcíples which thou gaveft me, have I loft He faith, I am not, 18. And the none. fervants and officers flood there, 7, 8, 9. Note, Chrift wascareful for the Bo- who had made a fire ofcoals (for dily fafetyofhis Dilciples till their hour carne, it was cold) and they warmed s.His words of L fng none,arc here Expounded them felves t and Peter flood with as reaching to the body as well as to the Soul them, and warmedhimfelf. Io. Then Simon Peter having a 1 13. N When ever we have huliitiefs in fword, drew it, and fmote the high bad Company, weIhould forefee what Tempra- prieft's fervant,and cut off his right transwe may there expe&. and be forewarned, ear. The fervant's name was Mal- 1 9.Thehigh prieft then askedJe- ans. 1 t. Then Paid Jefus unto Pe- fus ofhis difciples,&ofbis doctrine. ter,Put up thy (word into thefheath: 19. N. The Pcrveruonand Cnnfdionof this blinded World! Man Examinerh and Judgeth the cup which my Father bath gi God : An ignorant High Ptiett who pretend ven me, !hall Inot drink it ? erh to no honour, but to be an Officer ofGod, lo, ii. Note, P,ter that before nulled too judgeth his Matter. much to his own conflancy, now trnfterh too 20. Jefus anfwered him, Í fpake much to hisSword,withoutCommlfion3.Chrift J would nothe refcued from bis undertaken fufr openly to the world ; J ever taught in the lynagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always refort,and in fecrct have I faid nothing.zl.Why askeft thon me ? ask them which heard me, what I have Paidunto them : behold, they know what $ faid. 20 21, N Chrifl that came to die for our fins, yet wouldnot acculehimfelf, but referred the irritating Prelate to his Auditors, andbid him produce his Witneffes if he had any thing to accule him of: Giving us an Example how to anlwer fuch malicious High Priéfls. Secondly, By [in ferret have Ifaid nothing] he meaneth, Ihave not fraudalentfy concealed any Doarine. Thirdly, Ch'ift did not feparatefromthe Tem- ther in Law was made the way to him, no pie or Synagogue, and yet they could not hear doubt being a forward Abhor, him while he put thembut to prove their ac- cufations; they expebled that his to S.AndSimonPeter followed Je- their Demands Ihould have furnilhed their Ma- fus,and fo did another difciple.That lice with matter againf him, while they were difciple was known unto the high breaking G id's Commands. prieft, and went in with Jefus into 22,And when he had thus fpoken; o{e ferings by humane firength. 12. Then the band, and the cap- tain, and officers of the Jews took efus and bound him. 12. The.Colonel with his Souldiers and Of beers bind Jefus as a Malefaç@or ; being flaviff; Executioners. a3. And led him away toAnnas firft (for he was father in law to Caiaphas,which was the high prieft that fame year). 14. NowCaiaphas was he which gave counfel to the Jews, that it was expedient that one man lhould die for the people. 13. The Power was in Caiaphas, but his Fa-