Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch./ 8. Peter denies Chrift. St. John. one of the officers which flood by, ftroke Jefus with the palm of his hand, faying, Anfwerelt thou the high prieft fo ? 22. N. It is no woeder ifwicked High Priefts bye wicked Officers, ready to fay and do as they. Rebels againft God charge God himflf for not obeyingthem in iniquity ; and expel} more than due fubmiffron from God's Servants, while they war againft God himfelf 23. Jefus anfwered him,If I have fpoken evil, bear witnefs of the e- vil : but it well, why fmiteft thou me ? 23.1e I have bymy anfwer broken the Law, prove it: If not, why art thou Executicner without Tryal or defert. 24. (Now Annas had fent him bound untoCaiaphas the highprieft). 25.And Simon Peter flood and war- med himfelf : They laid therefore unto him, Art not thou allo one of his difciples ? He denied it,and faid, lam not. 26. One of the fervants of the high prieft, (being his kinfman whole ear Peter cut oft) faith, Did not I fee thee in the garden with him ? 27. Peter then denied again, and immediately the cock crew. 24, 25, ere. All this was done in Caiaphaa's houle, whither ...haw had fent Chrift bound. There Peter then denied Chrift : Though one denyal be here omitted. 28. Then led they Jefus from Caiaphas unto the hall of judgment: and it was early, and they them- felves went not into the judgment- hall,left they (hould be defiled : but that they might eat the paffover. 28. N. Thus thofe Hypocrite Priefts make Confcienceofa Ceremony, while they areled- ding Holy Blood. 29. Pilate then went our unto them, and laid, What accufation bring you againft thisman? 3o.They anfwered and laid unto him, If he were not a malefadtor we would not have deliveredhim upunto thee. 29, 30. N. The wickedPriefts expe&ed that Pilate should have taken their bare Wordagainft Chrift to Condemn him. 31, Then Paid Pilate unto them, yefusarraign'dbeforePilate.Ch. i 8. Take ye him and judge him accor- ding to your law. The Jews there- forePaid unto him, It is not lawful for us to put any man ro death : 32. That the faying of Jefus might be fulfilled, whichhe fpake, figni Eying what death he fhould die. 37, 32. If he muff be Condemned upon your bare word, be you the Judges of bins by your own Law : For the Romans ufe nor to con- densa men Co unjaf}ly. Note, The Romans having Conquered the yews, allowed them the ufe oftheir own Law fir leffer Punithments,but not for Death(though fomethink otherwife :) Crucifyingwas the Ro- man punishment. 33 Then Pilate entred into the judgment-hall again, and calledJe- fus,and laid untohim, Art thou the kingof the Jews ? 34. Jefusanfwer- ed him, Sayeft thou this thing of thy felf, or didothers tell it thee of me? 34. I perceive thy queftion implieth Accufa; tion : Who is the Acculer ? Is it Pry felt or a- ny other? 35 .Pilate anfwered,Am I aJew ? Thine own nation, and the chief priefts have delivered thee unto me: What haft thou done ? 35. I ans no Tay, nor Judgeof yourProphe= fies, Pretences and Quarrels; It is thy own Nation, and thofe that thou'd bett underftand the Matters of it, even the High Priefts that have delivered thee to me: How haft: thouof- fended them? 36. Jefus anfwered,My kingdom is not ofthis world : ifmy kingdom were of this world thenwould my fervants fight, that I fhould not be delivered to theJews : but now is my kindom not from hence. 36.1 know it is as the Ufurper ofthe Crown againft Colar that they intend to accufe me But of that they have no jai! caute : For it is no earthly Kingdom that I claim ; nor do I raife Men to fight for nie, as Í Should do ill claimed an earthly Kingdom. 37. Pilate therefore laid unto him, Art thou a king then? Jefus anfwered, Thou fayeft that I ama king.To this endwas I born,and-for this caufe came I into the world,thar I